Sun Doesn't Shine For Long

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June 9th, 1962

"Out!" The Ump calls out and the Tigers cheer. They won against some new team that I haven't learned the name of and don't plan on it. They had played amazing and were going out to celebrate.

"Babe! You did great."

"Thanks." He kisses my forehead and hugs me, getting his sweat all over me but I don't even care.

"Where are you guys going to celebrate?"

"Some diner close to the mall, wanna come?"

"If it doesn't bother you, sure."

"You could never bother me."

"I'm sure that's a lie."

"Oh whatever, let's go."

His parents haven't been coming to his games very often because of work but Jordan told me that they have been fighting and they're trying to keep it main tamed while he's away. Mom is always working and Bill gets home so late at night that he doesn't even eat dinner, he goes straight to bed.

We climb into Oliver's dad's car and he drives us to the diner which happens to be one that Olivia works at. When we sit down most people leave from the loudness of the boys and their families and I can't help but feel bad for Jordan since his mom isn't here.

"Isabella! Hey."

"Hey Olivia." I see Jake ogling over her and laugh but quickly cover it up by coughing. Jake continues to look at her adorably but all she does is smile at him and take our orders. Our drinks come out and then our table is full of plates with burgers, hotdogs, and fries.

"How do you know her?"

"She's my cousin."

"Really? You are so lucky."

"Kind of, yeah."

"How old is she?"


"So I totally have a chance?"

"I have no idea, ask her yourself." I nod over to her standing by herself at the diner bar drinking a milkshake. He turns and looks at her, then me and he gets up and walks over to her. She smiles and nods and then they get into a deep conversation so I'm guessing it's going good.

"Aren't you mad that he isn't paying any attention to you?"

"Not really, he deserves to be happy and hangout with his friends without me being up his ass. Besides, we hangout almost everyday."

"I don't understand how you haven't broken up with him yet." Aleah laughs and I nod. If I broke up with him, it would make me the dumbest person alive.

"He makes me happy, he may be difficult at times but he's all I need."

"Wow, now that is what you call sappy."

"Oh screw you Aleah. It's not like you wouldn't say the same about Sam."

"I wouldn't, I would probably tell you more of what I thought instead of just a few things."

"Hit me with it."

"He makes me feel like the happiest girl in the world. I may only be fourteen but he makes me happy and I truly don't think that there is anyone else out there for me. When we hangout it's like he brings the light out of me and he can always make me happy, even if I'm sad. When we hangout or are together, I always feel this sensation in my stomach."

"Sappy bitch." we laugh and she smacks my arm, "I'm joking, your brother makes me feel the exact same way."

"Really? Tell me how you feel then."

Benny Rodriguez; 1962Where stories live. Discover now