The Beach!

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July 9th, 1962

"So you guys want me to drive you to the beach?"

"Well technically we want you to go to the beach with us but yes."

"I have work tomorrow."

"Pleaseee, there's nothing else to do."

"Go play baseball!"

"Baseball is boring, we play it everyday."

"Did you just call it boring?"

"Yes, I did!"

"Fine but I don't know how I'm going to fit all of you in the car."

"We'll squish together."

"For an hour and a half?"


"Go get dressed." Everyone runs out of the house and I run to my room. I pick out a red and white two piece bathing suit and put on a red tank-top with Jean shorts. The tank-top shows some of my stomach but it's fine. I put on a white pair of sandals and fix my hair into two braids.

I walk out of my room and everyone is here other than Scotty and he comes running out of his room with sunscreen on his nose.

"Everyone ready?"



We climb into the car and some of the boys even get in the back of the car. By the time we are situated Scotty is sitting on Hams lap and Yeah-yeah in mine.

"This is gonna be a long road trip..."


"Why did we agree to this?"

"Maybe because Bella deserves to go to the beach. She hasn't been in forever anyways."

I haven't been to the beach since the last time I went with my softball friends which was a few years ago

"Did I tell you that Skylar wrote me a letter?"

"I don't think so."

"Yeah, she told me she missed me and stuff and she apologized."

"That's crazy."

"I know."

"Who's hand is on my butt?" DeNunez says and we all laugh

"Oh my gosh." I laugh and smack my forehead

"That may be mine, it's been numb this entire time." Squints bursts out laughing as soon as he finishes his sentence

"Guys, my lord."

"Bella, you need new friends."

"I know." I laugh more and turn to Benny. He's staring at me with a small smile on his face. "What?"

"You're beautiful."

"Oh go get a room." Squints yells and Benny laughs

"We're in a car!"

"Maybe we're driving to give you two some privacy."

"She better not go get a room until she's married." Bill says with amusement in his voice and I smack my mouth.

"You guys kill me."

"Oh whatever, you love us."

"Who said that?"

"Wow, my feelings are hurt."

"Good! Yeah-yeah take my spot, I'm laying down until we get there."

Benny Rodriguez; 1962Where stories live. Discover now