Sleeping Bag

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July 1st, 1962

Isabella's POV:

The Fourth of July is in three days and let me tell you, the boys are so excited. They're talking about how we get to play while the fireworks are going off. It sounds fun but I'm not really in the mood to play baseball. Or run at all.

I've been craving chocolate all week and the boys have each brought me some everyday. I feel so bad but if I would have went any longer without chocolate then I probably would've had a mental breakdown.

Benny came over after the whole Jordan problem and we hungout. We learned a lot about each other and I feel like we got closer. It feels nice to have someone around like him.

He's my best friend but sometimes I just imagine kissing him and my stomach erupts with butterflies. I don't really know how to explain it considering I don't even know how I feel.

I do know that when I see him I want to run up to him and hug him. I want to hangout with him everyday, even after seeing him at the sandlot all day. I want to hold his hand and go out on dates... wait

No. Oh no. I can't like Benny, he's my best friend. Scotty would be crushed, he would literally kill me.

Scottys POV:

Isabella and I have been nonstop hearing about the Fourth of July, I'm kind of sick of it. I mean, I'm excited but that's all the boys talk about.

Benny has been coming over everyday after we play ball to hangout with Bella. They go out sometimes and go to a park or sometimes they just stay in her room and talk. With the door open of course but that's beside the point.

I'm happy for them, like super happy. If they dated, I would be related to him and Benny is my best friend, it sounds amazing. I feel like Bella feels like I'm mad about it because I overheard her talking to mom the other day but I'm not mad at all.

Bennys POV:

The Fourth of July is coming up, I couldn't be anymore excited. I can't wait to hit the ball with the fireworks going off in the background. I'm really excited to see Bella's reaction too, hopefully she'll like it.

We've gotten so close lately, I know her favorite insect and even what bothers her the most. We've been hanging out everyday and even when we don't we sit on our roofs and talk.

I like her, no doubt about it. I feel bad because of Scotty but that just means we would be related and that would be sick. I'm pretty sure he would be happy about it too, or at least I hope.

I've known I liked her for at least a week or so. I guess the "feelings" I had never really left even though I was unsure if I liked her or not in the first place. She's beautiful, nice, daring, she's just everything that a boy wants in a girl; at least a baseball boy; unless you're Squints of course.

I'm not saying that I only like her for her looks because she's so much more than that. She's just a person that you know you want in your future and that you would do anything for them, no matter the consequences. It sounds cheesy really but I don't even care anymore.


"Throw it in!"

"Come on!"

"Hurry up smalls!"

I speed to get to home plate and as soon as I do the baseball hits me right in the face.

"Holy shit!"

"Guys, oh my god." Bella runs over to me and I hold my temple where I got hit.

"Dude, I'm sorry. I didn't think about hitting you when I threw the ball." Bertram covers his face and groans

Benny Rodriguez; 1962Where stories live. Discover now