Church day!

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May 6th, 1962

I wake up and realize it's Sunday so I rush and pick all of my belongings up, wake Scotty up, and we go home.

Once we get home we see that mom is only just waking up so we aren't late. It takes me thirty minutes to get all of the dirt out of my hair and to fix it. I put it in two french braids and put on a white sundress that has pineapples on it, along with a pair of white sneakers.

Mom nor Bill approved of the shoes so I ended up changing into a pair of white sandals I found in the back of my closet.

We all get into the car around the same time that Benny and his mom do and pull out of our driveway. It takes at least ten minutes to get to the church and we see that it's already packed but we decide to find a parking space anyways.

We park and walk in. The church pews are literally covered and there are only a few seats open and they're nowhere near each other.

"We'll be okay, right?"

"Yeah, I'll talk to you whenever it gets out because I'm pretty sure they don't have a five minute break. I love you guys." Mom walks up around the middle of the church and sits down between two women that look around her age and they instantly start talking. Bill goes up to the front pew and starts talking with the preacher and pastor. Scotty just stands at the door so I push him and he finds a seat beside a younger looking boy who just smiles and talks to him. I look around for seats until I see Jordan sitting beside what I'm guessing is his mom and he's waving at me, I wave back and he points to the empty seat beside him.

I walk up to the pew and sit down, it's awkward but he fortunately just started randomly talking with the boy that's sitting in front of us. A little girl sitting beside the boy turns around and observes me. She eventually smiles and comes and sits on my lap, yeah you go ahead sweetie, oh my lord.

"My names Mya, what's yours?"

"My name is Isabella but you can call me Bella."

"Can I call you Belle? Like the princess."

"Of course you can, I would love that."

"Yay!" She giggled and her mom must've heard her because she turn around and apologizes.

"I'm so sorry about her, she sees new people and immediately wants to be their friend. Come here sweetie."

"Oh no, she's okay. She's the sweetest little girl ever."

"Are you sure? If she does anything just put her back up here."

"I will." I nod and continue talking to Mya not noticing the stare I'm getting from Benny.

Benny's POV:

She's sitting next to Phillips. I can't believe her. If the boys figured out about this they would literally freak out. DeNunez is looking at her but I can't tell what he's thinking, he has a straight face. I figured out that she didn't go to his game, she walked around the neighborhood and found some homeless dog and didn't want to leave it by itself. This at least gave me some hope but now I'm just doubtful.

The church service starts and all I can think about is how they're not even three feet away from each other, they're sitting right on top of each other. Not literally but it's so packed today that they probably could be. I hear a giggle and turn around to see the little girl, Mya, that Bella is holding is laughing at something Bella said to her. Everyone turns back around when they realize that it's her cause she laughs all the time anyways.

This is the longest church service I've ever been in. I'm not complaining honestly but I am just so distracted that sitting here not doing anything isn't making it any better. I can just see them sitting there, talking to each other, every time I close my eyes and it makes me want to tape my eyes open. I don't like her, why is this such a problem? They aren't even talking so I don't know why this bothers me

Benny Rodriguez; 1962Where stories live. Discover now