The End!

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I feel like this book has took me forever to write and I have become frustrated with it so sometimes I took weeks off from writing it but I finally finished it!! I only published it half way through me writing it so it probably doesn't seem like it took me forever to publish chapters to you guys but it at least took a few months.

Thank you so much for reading this book and supporting me! There are only a few people who read this but no one really reads books about the sandlot anymore. I got encouraged to write this somewhere around the middle of summer and that was when people stopped reading about Benny or anything related to that.

I don't really know where to end this other than saying thank you, once again. There may be a part two of this book eventually but I don't know, I'll have to see where my writing takes me. :)

Benny Rodriguez; 1962Where stories live. Discover now