Fourth of july pt.2

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July 4th, 1962

"Bella, let's go!"

"Is it time?"


Jordan left a few hours ago because they had to take Mya back so I've been hanging out with Olivia.

"You can come if you want, we're gonna play baseball."

"Oh I'm good, thanks though."

"Yeah, no problem." I run after Benny and we get to the sandlot the same time the rest of the boys do

"Ready to do this guys?"


"Alright, Isabella you're in center field."


We get into our positions and Benny practices his swing before DeNunez pitches the ball and as soon as Benny hits the ball the fireworks go off.

All of us pause aside from Benny who is still running bases. He stops when he gets to third and looks up at the sky. As the colors fill the sky, we all get put into a trance. Somehow this calms us; maybe because it's only once a year that something exciting happens like this or the fact that it makes us feel like we're playing in the big fields, where the pros play at.

In the corner of my eye I see Benny start walking towards me and I look over at him. He smiles and I see that sweet dimple of his shine. How are you so beautiful, Benny?



"So I have a question."


"Will you go out with me?"

"Like on a date? Or-"

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Really? Yeah, of course."

"Oh thank God, I thought you were going to say no."

"Why would I say no?"

"I don't really know."

"He did it guys!" Bertram yells and the boys run towards us and tackle us to the ground.

"Benny, you finally did it!"

"You guys knew?"

"Of course we did, we've know for weeks."

"Even Timmy and Tommy?"

"No, they didn't know when because we knew they would say something but they did know he would ask soon."

"You guys are finally dating, oh my gosh." Scotty laughs and I stand up to hug him. The rest of the boys stand up and we just laugh.

In this moment I wouldn't trade it for the world. There's no arguing, no anger, no sadness, it's just us.

"Let's play before the fireworks end, there'll be no light."

"Yeah, come on guys."

Benny stays behind for a few seconds and when I look at him he smiles again but this time he attaches his lips to mine. I kiss him back and then we back away from each other.

"Well" I clap my hands and laugh "we should play for a little bit."

"Yeah, for sure." He walks back awkwardly and the boys laugh. I look up at the sky one more time before we start playing again.


"Bye guys!" I wave and it slowly ends up just being me, Scotty, and Benny as usual. It's sort of awkward, Scotty keeps coughing and Benny keeps scratching his neck while I just look down the entire time.

Benny Rodriguez; 1962Where stories live. Discover now