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July 8th, 1962

"Bye mom, have a good day at work."

"Thanks, tell me what you figure out when I get back."

"I will." She walks out the door and I go to grab my black converse. Benny follows along and puts on his Pf flyers.

"Bye kids!" Bill shouts and walks out the door


"We're alone..."

"Yeah, I know."

"That means we can kiss or-"

"Benjamin Franklin Rodriguez, go take a cold shower good lord."

"What? I don't even have a bone-"

"Stop it." I kiss him on the cheek and smile "Is that good?"

"I guess." He mumbles so I kiss him on the lips super fast.

"Okay, come on. We need to go find Scotty."

"Oh whatever." We walk out of the house and the direction mom told us he went. I don't really know how we're gonna find him but hopefully we do.

We pass by Vincent drugstore and it looks deserted. We walk behind it and down the alleyway and then turn left.

We walk by one of the many parks we have and I see two pairs of feet hanging out one slide. I quietly walk over and it's just two little children sitting there looking at a leaf.


"Hi! I was wondering, have you two saw a little boy around this height, blonde hair, with flowers?"

"I think I did, he went that way."

"Thank you so much."

"Yeah." They go back to looking at a leaf and i point Benny in the direction the kid told me.

"Did he go this way?"

"The little boy said he saw a boy with flowers go this way so I guess."

"Sarah's house is this way."

"Did she have a little sister? Or a cousin maybe?"

"She has a sister that's the same age as Scotty."

"I hope to God it isn't her, I would die."

"She's nice or she was at least, she always liked me."

"Who doesn't?"


"I know right."

We continue walking until I see Scotty walking out the front door of a house with two stories. Behind him follows a girl with brown hair that looks just like Sarah's.

"That's Sarah's little sister."

"Of course it is." We walk closer to the house and Scotty still doesn't see us "Hey Scotty, who's this?"

"Bella! Um, this is Makayla."

"Hi Makayla."

"Hi! Hey Benny." She smiles and shyly waves

"Hey Kay."

"What are you guys doing?"

"The real question is, what are you doing?"

"Talking to Makayla."

"Did you get flowers?"


"Did you like the flowers?"

"Yeah, they were really pretty."

"Well that's good."

Benny Rodriguez; 1962Where stories live. Discover now