Like, date you?

527 2 3

June 6th, 1962

"Throw it to second!" Benny hits the ball and it goes straight to Scotty. He catches it and throws to Bertram who throws it to Timmy.

Of course, no one gets him out until he gets to third and that's when Tommy throws it to Yeah-Yeah and then Yeah-Yeah throws it to Ham. Benny runs back to third base and then Yeah-Yeah gets it. It goes back and forth for a while until Benny sprints to home and cheers.

"We almost had you!"

For the rest of the day we sort of just play around and take a few breaks like normal. Sarah sits in the dugout and cheers for Benny the entire time and when we take breaks she kisses him three times, I've counted and so have the other boys.

"Okay, get a room you two."

"Don't worry, we will."

All the boys gag while I laugh and take a sip of my water.

"What's Phillips doing here?"

"Oh yeah! We're going somewhere today."


Jordan rides his bike over to the dugout and awkwardly walks in. He hugs me and I tell the boys bye.

"Bye, um I don't know when or if I'll be back today so have fun." I smile and walk out

"Thank god she's leaving."

I walk back into the dugout, furious.

"You know what Sarah, I'm about sick of your shit. Either say it to my face or shut the fuck up."

"Woah there, calm down ms. I'm-so-big-and-bad."

"Don't tell me to calm down." She stands up and walks over to me and gets in my face

"Or what?" I look in her eyes for a few seconds before I punch her and let me tell you, it felt good.

"You asshole!" She cries and holds her face

"Leave me alone and stop talking about me behind my back like you know me. I don't know what your problem with me is but it better end." Benny holds her in his arms and looks at me through his eyelashes. He looks pissed, more than I've ever saw him.

"Bye guys."

Jordan sits on his bike and I stand up on the Pegs. He pedals all the way to his house in silence.

"I'm sorry." I mumble and look down.

"Don't be, she deserved it. I've never saw you so mad and honestly, it was hot." He covers his mouth with both of his hands and I laugh.

"I can't believe I just said that."

"It's fine, just another thing you can add to your list of 'things I love about Belle."

"That is not a real thing."

"I bet it is."

"No, you just wish it was."

"I do, just so I can find it and make fun of you for it."

"Oh shut up."

"Nope." I say, popping the 'P'

"So where are we going? I'm not dressed very good."

"You are literally wearing what you always wear."

"Hey! This shirt is new."

"Oh whatever." He's not lying though, I'm wearing a blue, black, and white shirt with Jean shorts and my white converse but they're not even close to being white.

Benny Rodriguez; 1962Where stories live. Discover now