No Longer Enemies

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June 13th, 1962

"Sis, wake up. The boys want all of us to go to the sandlot and play, even Jordan."

"I'm tired and so is Jordan."

"Jordan is already up and ready. He's waiting on you."

"Let me braid my hair and then I'll start getting ready."


I get up and stretch, my arms aching for some reason. I walk over to my vanity and brush my hair out and then start braiding my hair. Jordan walks in and watches me braid my hair.

"Can you do that to my hair?"

"I can try to Dutch braid it."

"Right now?"

"After we go to the sandlot."


I get finished braiding my hair and then we head to the sandlot after grabbing a few pieces of Bacon. The whole walk there I can tell that Jordan is scared and confused about the boys wanting him there.

"So, why do they want me to come?"

"Maybe they want some challenge."

"I doubt it, they'll probably kill me."

"Maybe they will start being nice to you, who knows?"


"Yeah, hopefully." I kiss his cheek and we walk into the sandlot. All the boys are sitting in the dugout, probably waiting on us. Once we walk into the dugout they all stand up and smile. I sit in the dugout and let the boys play for a while and Sarah sits picking at her nails.

"I really wish you wouldn't hate me so much. I know I'm an ass but you really don't even know me. You just instantly started hating me and then it pissed me off."

"I don't hate you, I just don't like you. Benny told me that he liked you when we first started being friends and I liked him so I got jealous. It was really rude of me to just assume you were in love with him and then I started seeing you with Jordan and I felt as if you were using him. I still don't forgive you for hitting me."

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that."

"No, it's fine. I deserved it."

"Hey Bella! Come hit."

"Well, baseball is calling me." We laugh and I walk to the hitting box.


"Give me your best."

"You have asked for it Smalls."

He pitches the ball and I hear the ball hit the bat so I run. I get to second and all the boys are running over to something on the ground. I run over and see the ball unwrapped, this cannot be happening.

"Holy crap! You just unraveled the ball." Squints smiles and pats me on the back

"I did, didn't I?" I laugh but the boys don't seem to find it funny. Realization hits the and they all get mad other than Jordan who still looks astonished.

"We can't play no more!"

"Oh you've done it now, Bella."

"Guys! Guys! We can just buy a new ball tomorrow."

"Whos' gonna pay for it?"

"Isabella should."

"No, I will. I have extra money and I have no use for it." Squints says and Bertram looks at him like he has three heads.

Benny Rodriguez; 1962Where stories live. Discover now