Debra Is Crazy

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June 12th, 1962

Jordan's POV

The last few days have went by so slow. I haven't saw my dad other than once and that was to come by and tell us they were getting a divorce and then he left. Aleah isn't as sad about the situation because she's always wanted to live with dad anyways but I'm pretty sure she doesn't understand that we will have to go back and forth. She's also excited for 'two Christmases.'

I don't really know what to think about the whole situation because school is actually closer than we think and baseball is getting more serious because we have so many games coming up since the summer season is almost over.

Belle has wanted to hangout to try and cheer me up but all I've done is push her away and stayed in my room. She actually came over yesterday to give me ice cream she bought and just a hug but I ended up telling her she needed to leave within fifteen minutes of her being at my house. I don't want her to see me like this, I am a mess and I feel like my life is crumbling down on me. My family has always been known as the happiest and best family relationship but in reality, we're not all that great. We never have been.

At one point, mom had been out for a few hours and dad didn't know where she had been, he got mad and left to go find her and found her at the store buying things for his birthday. She had planned on surprising him with a bunch of stuff and a dinner to some fancy place out of town but he went off on her and ruined everything. I never have figured out what he said to her but after that day, she has never been the same happy person.

As I sit here and think to myself, I have utterly no idea what to do anymore. I want to hangout with Belle and I want to hug her but she will think that I'm crazy. The bags under my eyes are terrible and I haven't even showered.

"Jordan, you need to go see who's at the door."


"Yes, this is hurting all of us but I'm not mourning in my bed everyday."

"Mom, I don't want to."

"Get up." She drags me out of bed and cringes when she sees what I'm wearing. I haven't changed since the night Belle was here.

"I'll change."


She walks out of the room and I grab a pair of jeans, white shirt, and a flannel. I brush my hair and teeth quickly and then I put my black hightop converse on. Once I get down there I see no one so I open to door to see the entire baseball team and Belle. My Belle.

"What are you guys doing here?"

"What does it look like?"

"It looks like you guys are just standing there."

"Oh good lord Jordan, come on. We're going to play ball."


"Yeah, we're even letting your girlfriend play considering it was her idea."

"It was?"


"Let me get my glove."

"No need, we already got it."


"Your mom."

We ride our bikes to the field and I let Belle hit first. She hits the ball pretty far the first few times until she line drives it straight into Matthews stomach.

"That's my girl!"

She covers her mouth and runs to Matthew.

"I am so sorry."

Benny Rodriguez; 1962Where stories live. Discover now