Chapter 29

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At school

Claire POV

Why is the popular guy of our class and through out the school looking at me? Do I have something on my face.The bell ring and I ran to my locker.Not waiting for my BestFriend heather or nothing.I put my book in my locker and he was their in front of me.

"Hey" he said in a deep sexy voice

"Hi" I said

"I'm Justin" He said

"I'm Claire"I said and walk to the lunchroom.Justin was walking with me to the lunch room.

"Claire Hutcherson I hope you know that you trying to keep your distance from me in no way Lessing my affection for you.All your effort to keep my away from you is gonna fail" Justin said and grined

"Justin, I don't want to hurt you or be hurt " I said

"It would be a privilege to get my heart broken by you"Justin said

" do you want to go on a date with me"Justin ask

"I would love to go on a date with you" I said and took his hand and wrote my number on it.Then I walk away and shoot him a glare.He just stand their frozen for a moment.

"I pick you up at 8" Justin said and I walk to the lunchroom.When I got in their I got my lunch and ran to my Best Friend Heather.

"Guess who ask me on a date" I said

"Who" she ask

"Justin" I said

"The player you avoid for like 8 years"She said

"The popular player in the school.He popular but his love life was something else"I said and Ryan walk to me.

"Aw is my sissy having guy problems" Ryan said and Heather blushed.Heather like Ryan even though he older than her by 4 years.

"Yeah,Justin just asked me on a date" I said

"Justin, the popular guy of the school but he a player" he ask and nod

"Sis I'm super brother and I'm gonna protect you.I don't trust him though,his love life was some story" Ryan said

"Thanks for looking out for me bro" I said

"Ain't thing for my sister" Ryan said

"Where Alice" I ask and she pop up behind Ryan and jump on his back.

"Here I am"Alice said and they shared a kiss

"Eww go away we don't want to see that here." Heather said

"I always see this when I'm home" I said and we finish eating our lunch and then after recess we went to class.After class we went home.

A couple hour later

"Mom how do I look" I said and she gasps

"Honey you look beautiful" She said

My hair was in curls and it was hanging out.I was wearing a light blue dress and some 2 inch heels.Ryan walk in and smiled.

"You look beautiful sis, and Justin is here.Dad is talking to him"Ryan said and I walk down stairs.Justin had his hair curly and he also had a button up white shirt with a tie under a vest.

"Wow" He said

"You look absolutely amazing Claire" Justin said

"You look handsome" I said

"Have fun" dad said and we went outside

"We're are we walking to" I ask

"It a surprise" he said and we arrive to the park.Candles and a blanket was set out.We sat down and start eating.

"When did you feel this way about me"I ask

"Ever since seven grade" He said and my face turned red.

"I just block you out Because I was afraid"I said

"Afraid of what" Justin ask

"Being hurt" I said and put my head down

"I heard how you hurt other girls" I said

"You not one of those other girls.I want you to be my my girl" he said and I close my eyes as his soft lips press against mines.I open my mouth and let his tongue go in.He pull me onto him and our kiss didn't break.I never felt this was about him before Or did I?Maybe I was just keep the feeling deep down inside of my self.Our lips detach and he grin at me heart was pounding fast and my air was getting thinner.I kiss him this time and he kissed me back.he placed his hands in my hair and my hand lock in his neck.We pull away an a smile form on my lips.

"Would you do me honor to be my girlfriend" he ask and I nod my head yes.I started to shiver from the cold air.Justin lay me down and put him arms around my cold body.I put my head in his chest.

"Your mines and I'm yours girl.Im changing and getting better for you.I want to stay with you forever" Justin said

"I wish I could freeze this moment and stay here forever" Justin said

"Why do I have this feeling that your gonna mess my life up" I said an he grinned stupid.We enjoy the rest of the night together and then went home.

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