Chapter 42

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A couple of months later

Claire POV

It was two in the morning and my phone ring.Justin wasn't besides me and I look over and see he was calling me.

"Hello I said tired

"Claire please help I went to get diapers because Logan and Luke was out of them so I went to the gas station which is three miles out from the house.Don't call the paramedics just come"Justin said and I called Ryan and told him to watch the kids while I head to the gas station.

"What wrong sis" he said walking in with a sleep Jasmine and Alice

"Can't explain now" I said and I rush to the gas station.

At the gas station

I park my car and run up to Justin car.I open the door to his car and the light inside the car turn on.I look to Justin who hair grew back.

"Claire look"he said and point to his G tube. His stomach had gotten affected.

"Don't call paramedic please.Just fix it" he said

"I'm sorry I have to" I said and pull out my phone and dial 911.

"I hate myself I hate myself I hate this I hate this I disgust myself I hate I hate let my just fucking die" Justin said and his the steering wheel.The paramedic show up and put Justin in the ambulance.I sit up their where his head was and he started shaking it.

"I'm so stupid Claire Hutcherson" he said and I stroke his hair.

"Shh it okay " I said

"Can you sing me a song" he said

Are you, are you
Coming to the tree?
They strung up a man
They say who murdered three.
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met at midnight
In the hanging tree.

Are you, are you
Coming to the tree?
Where dead man called out
For his love to flee.
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met at midnight
In the hanging tree.

Are you, are you
Coming to the tree?
Where I told you to run,
So we'd both be free.
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met at midnight
In the hanging tree.

Are you, are you
Coming to the tree?
Wear a necklace of hope,
Side by side with me.
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met at midnight
In the hanging tree.

Are you, are you
Coming to the tree?
Where I told you to run,
So we'd both be free.
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met at midnight
In the hanging tree.

Are you, are you
Coming to the tree?
They strung up a man
They say who murdered three.
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met at midnight
In the hanging tree.

Are you, are you
Coming to the tree?
Where dead man called out
For his love to flee.
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met at midnight
In the hanging tree.

At the Hospital

I sit their and wait for them to let me see Justin.Ryan come in with Alice,Rye,Jasmine,Logan and Luke and mom with dad.Tears fall down my face and Justin mom and dad hugged me.
A couple hours later the doctor said we could see him.He was sleeping with oxygen and tubes all stuck into him.I put my head inside of Ryan head.

"I don't want to loose him"I said with tears falling down my face.

"It okay"Ryan coo to me

A couple days later

Justin got to come home after they fix everything.He was in a wheelchair now and he stayed over his parents house to keep a close watch on him.I knock on his parents door and they open it.

"Claire come in, Justin downstair" he said and I walk to their big basement.Justin was laying on his bed and his wheelchair was next to the bed.Justin had peed himself but It okay.

"Justin hey" I whisper and kiss his lips.A smile form across his face.

"Hey um I'm sorry" he said

"It okay let me get you wash up"I said and put him in his wheelchair and I took him to the bathroom.I took off his wet clothes and I turn the shower on.I took off my clothes to shower with him.

"Now Justin hold on to me so you won't fall" I said and he hold tightly on me.I started to each his upper part and then his Lower part.

"Thank u Claire" he said and kissed me passionate.Our kiss got hotter and you know where that went.After I help him put his clothes on and fix himself we decided to go to the park.

"Justin come eat breakfast"his mom said and I help him upstairs.Justin brother smiled and shakes my hand.

"Hey I haven't met you, my name is Troy.Im Justin older brother" he said in an British accent.

"My dad was from the UK and Troy got the accent and I didn't.Well he was born then I was conceive.I was born and Cancer kill my old man when I was 3" he said

"I'm sorry" I said

"This is one you wouldn't never shut up about " Troy said

"You talk about me" I said and he grinned.

"Yeah he wouldn't never shut up about you.He had a crush on you ever since Pre-K 3" Troy said and I squeeze Justin hand.

"You want something dear" their mom asked

"Yes please" I said

"Your mom say hon and my mom say dear" Justin said

"My mom and dad is from Kentucky and they have that accent" I said

"Wait your parents are Jennifer and Josh Hutcherson" Troy ask and I nod

"I love there movies" Troy said in their accent

"You must know Mr. Sam Claflin" I said

"Yeah, he was a good friend of my father." Troy said and we ate our breakfast.

At the Park

Logan and Luke lay on the blanket with me and Justin sit in his wheelchair.

"Hey" A familiar voice said.I turned and see it was Joseph with his little son who look exactly like him.

"Hey who this little fellow" I said and he hide behind his father leg.

"This is my son Joseph Jr" Joseph Sr. said

"Hi" Joseph Jr. "said

"Hey this is Logan and Luke" I said and the twins start to giggle.

"How can you tell which one is which.They both look exactly the same" Joseph Sr and while his wife come up to him.

"Mommy" Joseph Jr said and she pick him up.

"Well Logan is the chubby one and Luke is the non chubby one" I said

"Justin man, what happen" Joseph Sr. asked

" Cancer it killing me literally but I'm glad I got to spend my life with Claire" He said and I kiss him.

"Like Troy Sr. " Joseph said

"Yeah" Justin said

"Your brother is named after your dad " I said and he nod.We enjoyed the rest of our day together.

A/N: The picture above is Troy Jr.Enjoy this chapter.Dont forget to vote and comment.

Teaser:You need tissues next chapter. that all I'm saying.The feelings gonna be strong

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