Chapter 33

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A/N: Hey? are you their... if you are then vote and give me some feedback so when I come back from spring break I can see all yall feedback and votes.


Claire and Justin broke up, but she got with Joseph who is a really nice guy.Me, Josh and his parents get along well.Josh and I sit in the kitchen talking while Claire and Joseph play Call of Duty.Claire was laying between his legs with a ps4 controller in her hand.

" I won," Claire said and Joseph stroke her hair

" I know, but I won too, " Joseph said and Claire look at him

" I won because I have you and your mines and I'm yours and no one can't break u, " Joseph said and I smile wide.

" Jen what happen to that promise you whisper in my ear," Josh said and grinned

""Maybe someone can watch the kids and tonight me and you big boy," I said and the door bell ring.I walk to the door and open it. It was a soaking wet Justin holding a bundle of flowers.

"Justin," I said

"Is Claire home?" he asked and I look at Claire.I let Justin in and told Josh to get me a towel.

"Justin," Claire said and she standed up.Joseph stands up with her.Justin and Joseph exchange death glares.

"I got this flower for you," Justin said and give Claire the flowers.Justin took off his prosthetic leg and lay it on the floor.He sits down on the steps to upstairs.

"why are you here," Joseph ask with a bit of anger in his voice

"Claire I'm sorry, my actions was overrated and not mature.I was a gosh darn fool to let you slip easy from me.You might see me as the popular guy in school, but I'm just a guy with one leg" Justin said and chuckles.Justin straight his self up and look into Claire's eyes.

"Remember when I told you that I love you," Justin said and she nod

"I really do and I had no right to let that other girl take you place.I shouldn't of kiss her or nothing because I wish they were you soft lips.I love it when you just were sweatpants and don't care how you look in front of me.I love it when you smile and I love all your features" Justin said and put his leg back on.

"Choose between me and him," Joseph said

"Um, now," Claire said and put her hand into her hair.

"I cho-"Claire said but cut off by Ryan who walk in with a baby carriage.

"Guess who home," Ryan said with Alice's head on his shoulder.Shawn comes in behind them smiling.

"The baby,"Rye said and run down stairs

"Shh Rye she sleeping," Ryan said and look down at the sleeping baby and grinned.

"She so,tiny" I said and pick her up from her car seat.She open her eyes and grab my finger with her,whole hand.I smiled and gave her to back to Ryan.Claire run back upstairs and I follow her.Alice walk up stairs with me.Someone else was trying to go but Ryan stop him.

" Don't go, they're having a girl talk" Ryan said and I knock on Claire door.

"Claire is mom and Alice, can we come in" I said and she unlock The door.Tears was running down her face.

"Claire do what your heart tell you" Alice said

"I don't know" Alice said and Alice comfort her while I go back down stairs.

"Where Justin" I asked

"Ryan and him is talking"Shawn said an I think to myself.What is this boy up to?

A/N: Why do you think Ryan and Justin are talking about?

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