Chapter 34

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Ryan POV

"First I want to apologize for my sins.I shouldn't try to kill you at school" I said and he sat on my bean bag.

"It okay man, I know your over protected about your sister" Justin said

"So you love her that much to walk here in the rain" I said and he nod

"Can you please help get my girl back" Justin said

"Why Claire out of all girls" I asked

"Gosh where do I start.She's so beautiful, you don't get tired of looking at her.You never worry if she's smarter than you because you know she is. She's funny without ever being mean. I loved her. God, I loved her I'm so lucky to love her right now." Justin said and pause for a moment.

"See Ryan you don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world but you do have a say in who hurts you, and I like my choices, and I hope she likes hers." Justin said and Alice came in with the baby.

"Your mission if you choose to accept it, is watch your child" Alice said

"I choose to accept it" I said and Alice put the baby in the crib.Alice walk to the door an I grab her by the waist.

"Hey" she whisper

"Hey, can I get some love" I said and we kissed till we was out of breath.Our lips pull apart and she went back to Claire room.I shut the door and sit back down on the bed.

"I will help you" I said

"Thank you"Justin said

"Are you still doing the flash mob to ask her to formal"I asked and he nod.The baby started to cry and I go over to her.

"Hey why are you crying"I said in a baby voice and cover my face then fake cry.Baby Jasmine started to laugh.I pick her up and attack her with kisses.

"Can I have a kiss" I said and she open her mouth and place it on my face.The door open an it was Claire.I look at Justin and Justin look at me.

"Can I talk to you for a moment Justin" she said and I shrug at Justin.Justin follow her out and Alice come in.

"Who she choose" I said and put baby Jasmine on the bed.

"Joseph" She said

"Why" I said

"I don't know but I feel like he don't love her enough" I said and Alice played with Jasmine while I despise a plan about Justin and Claire.

Justin POV

We walk to the back enclosed porch.The rain taps the roof with a steady beat. I took my leg off and place it on the chair next to us.

"So what up"I said

"I chose who I want to be with" She said

"Oh who did you choose" I asked but I probably already know the answer.

"Joseph" she said and I look down at the ground.I knew she was gonna choose him.

"Oh cool" I said with a bit of sadness in my voice.

"Friends" she said and I look at her

"No I don't want to be friends.I wanna be more than friend" I said and she close her eyes and I press my lips against hers.Her soft lips give me a electrical shock through my nervous system.She kiss me back and her hair in my hair.We was having a full blown make out session until a voice interrupt us.

"Claire" a guy voice said

A/N: The picture above is Ryan and Alice baby girl.Who was the guy that it erupted Claire and Justin make out session? vote and comment below

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