Chapter 30

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5 month later

Ryan POV

I get a call in my phone at midnight.

"Hello" I said yawning

"Ryan"a voice said

"Alice" I said

"Please come and help me"she said and grunted

"What happening" I said worried

"The baby" she said and the phone line go silent

"Alice"I scream through the phone.I hang up and went to mom and dad room.

"Mom, Dad" I said and they woke up

"Yes" dad said and mom yawn

"I'm gonna take the car, something wrong with Alice" I said and mom got worry

"Go to her" Mom said and I grab the keys from my dresser and Shawn wake up too.

"Can I come with you" he ask and I nod. We got to the car and went to Alice house.

At Alice house

I knock on the door and her parents open it.

"Ryan what you doing here" Alice mom ask

"No time to explain but is Alice home" I ask and her dad nod.I ran upstairs to her bedroom and see her no in her room.I go to the bathroom and see Alice on the floor.Blood... I see blood coming from the bottom of her pajamas pants.I pick her up and took her to the hospital.Shawn drive and Alice parents come with us.I call my mom and told her the situation.

"I will be right their" my mom said and hung up

At the hospital

No one could see Alice.My mom walk in with Claire and Rye.I walk to mom and hugged her.Tears started to fall from my eyes.My mom rub my back.

"It okay baby,it gonna be okay"my mom said while my dad rub my back.

1 hour later

They finally let me in to see her.Alice lay their with tubes all connected into her.

"Honey you have to eat" the nurse said and she shake her head.I ask the nurse to give me the spoon full of food.

"Baby open wide" I said softly and she open her mouth.Everybody look at me while I feed her.The doctor come in with a clip board and paper.

"Alice I'm so sorry" the doctor said

"What that suppose to mean" I said

"Your daughter had died while he was in her stomach" he said and Alice started to cried.I hold her tight in my grip.

"It happen mam' it was a miscarriage " the doctor said and Alice look at the doctor.

"Could I see him"she asked and the doctor nod.He went out the room and came back a couple minutes later with a nurse with a wheel chair.Alice got on the wheel chair and they guided her to the room.The baby was kinda big but was all tube up.

" Doctor why is he tube up" she asked

"We're testing to see if she can fight to live for 3 more months.It not over yet Alice he a little fighter" the doctor said and I squeeze her hand.

"Three more months till he was born" Alice said

"Pray for us" I said and the doctor said

"I will do that for you.Im gonna help you two keep this child" the doctor said

"Thank you" I said

"For You two young folks, I want this baby to see their mom and dad and live their life to the fullest" the doctor said

"So she not fully dead yet" Alice ask and he nod

"She have a chance to live" the doctor said

Our little girl have a chance to live.God please let her live because she is gonna be our everything in life.I will promise to protect my little girl and my future wife.I will always be their for them.God please grant me this one thing in life.

A/N: You think the baby will survive?Also Vote and give me your feedback

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