Chapter 47

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A Couple of Years Later

Logan POV

Luke and I are in the eight-grade now.Mom is okay now because Uncle Ryan is helping her.

"Luke come here"I yell from the basement

"Coming Twin" Luke yell from upstairs and a couple minutes later he came down to the basement in his basketball uniform.

"What is it Logan I'm about to go for practice," Luke said and I motion him to sit down.

"What going on," Luke asked worry

"Nothing brother," I said and he look at me

"It wouldn't be anything if you called me down here," Luke said

"Luke in 10 Minutes you're going to practice," Ryan said

"I have to tell you something," I said

"Tell me, Logan, I'm your twin brother," he said

"Okay," I said and clap my hand together while shaking

"Tell me, " Luke said

"I'm gay," I said and look into Luke eyes.Luke hugged me tight and I started to cry.

"Logan it okay, I still love you, bro.You're so brave for saying something like this.I'm so proud of you" Luke said and rub my back

"Do mom know"Luke said and I shake me head no.

"It okay Logan your taking baby steps out the closet where the homophobe lock you in.Im gonna be here for you every step of the way Logan." Luke said and he wiped my stained cheeks.

"Now who want to come see me practice" Luke said

"Only if I can check out the hot basketball players"I said and Luke laugh

"Okay, if their any gay players on my team I let you know" Luke said and I went to his practice.

At Luke Basketball Practice

I watch Luke basketball team train for their upcoming game.When they took a break one of the player sat next to me.

"Hey ain't you Luke twin brother" he asked

"Yeah, I'm not the basketball type.Im more into baseball" I said as he move his black hair out his face.

"I'm James" He said and smiled sexy

"I'm.. Logan" I said and shake his hand

"Nice to meet you.I have to get back to practice now I talk to you after practice" He said and pat my back.Luke look at me and he signal that my face was super red.I look down at look back up and I see James glaring at me.He mouth are you okay and I nod.

After Basketball practice

Luke sit next to me and smile.

"You like James" he whisper

"Hell yeah, he like a hot hunk" I whisper backs Luke laughs.

"Well there" he said and James come up to us both with no shirt on.

"Good practice Luke were gonna beat this team" he said

"Yeah,my uncle is always late picking us up" Luke said

"James staying the night" I said

"Yeah and Jasmine is inviting her teenage friends over" Luke said

"Good job Luke and James" the coach said while he walk over to us.

"Hey coach" I said

"Hey Logan how is baseball"he ask

" It pretty good sir" I said and uncle Ryan walks in the gym.

"goodnight boys" the coach said

"Goodnight" we said in unison

"Coach" Uncle Ryan said

"Mr Hutcherson" the coach said and we went to the car where Jasmine and her 2 friends was.

"Jasmine and friends James.James, this is my cousin Jasmine." Luke said and we got in the back of the car.

At the house

Me,James,Luke, Jasmine and Her friend was in one room playing truth or dare spinning the bottle.Jasmine spin the bottle and it land on Luke

"Luke truth or dare" Jasmine said

"Truth" he said

"Which one of the girls you like in your class" she asked

"It that blonde hair girl with the freckles. I never caught her name tho" Luke said.Luke spin the bottle and it land on me.

"Truth or dare brother" he said and smirk. I don't know where this is going.

"Dare" I said

"I dare you to kiss James for 1 minute" he said and blood ran through my veins. All the girls and Luke chant "do it".I finally grew the balls and I did it.I lean in toward his and press my lips against his soft lips.His mouth taste like peppermint and I liked it.My nerves shiver down my back and all through my body.After a minute we stop kissing.He probably didn't enjoy that.We played till midnight and the girls went to sleep in Jasmine room.We stayed up playing video games.I couldn't get the kiss out my mind.A little bit later Luke fell asleep and it was only me and James up.

"So" I said

"So" James said

"Did you enjoy it" I said

"Enjoy what" he asked

"The kiss" I said

"Yeah" he said casually.

"Oh" I said in a sad tone of voice.He look and me for a moment.

"Yeah, your mouth had a good taste in it.I didn't know what it was though" James said

"It was my baseball chewing gum.I ways eat it" I said and put some gum in my mouth.I press my lips against his.

"That taste" I said

"Yeah that taste" James and kissed me back like before.This time it was passionate.It was like a drug that I'm addict to.I wrap my legs around his body and he carry me up the ladder to the guest bed in our room.

"Is this a dream" I said

"No, I forgot to tell you I'm gay" he said and take my shirt off

"Me to" I said and we took out jeans off.I lay down on his lower stomach and I lean down to kiss him.I wrap my leg around his leg and I fell asleep on his chest.


I wake up with James sleeping peacefully.I look at the alarm clock and it 9:23 AM.Everyone don't wake up till 9:45 or 10:00.James is so handsome when he is sleeping.I kiss his lips and a huge grin appear on his face.

"Good morning" I whisper and attack him with kisses.

"Good morning handsome" he said is a rasty voice.James wrap his arms around my almost naked body and we lay their for a couple of minutes.When we got up, he took a shower and put on a undershirt and some sweats.I took a shower after him and I came out the bathroom with my towel wrap around my waist.I get my clothes and James come up behind me and wrap his arms around my body.

"Wow don't you look handsome" He whisper in my ear

"You are too ya know" I said and I change into a t shirt and some sweats.I wake up Logan and we all walk down stairs.Mom was down their with her coffee and some cereal.

"Good morning boys" my mom said

"Morning mom" me and Luke said

"Good morning ma'm" James said

"Hey mom can I tell you something" I said and Uncle Ryan walk down the stairs and sit down at the table with us.

A/N: I think you know what Logan going to say.Do you guys ship Logan and James?The picture above is what James look like.He does have freckles,hazel eyes and black hair.Vote and Comment your opinion.If you want to see more or less of something just comment.

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