Chapter 6

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3 days later

Josh POV

Jen went out to see some society workers, because she want Shawn to be a Hutcherson.She took the kids and Shawn with her.I grab a soda out the fridge and I sat on the couch.I turn the tv on and watch spongebob.One hour later the door open.Jen had paper work in her hand and Shawn was carrying a large pizza.I don't what Jen see into that boy.

"We got pizza" Jen said

"Daddy" Claire said and run to me and I pick her up.

"Did you have a good day princess " I ask and she nod.

"What about you Ryan" I ask and he nod.I walk up to Jen and she put her head on my shoulder.I kissed Jen forehead and pick her up.Me and Jen sat on in couch together.We just lay their watch the football game.Shawn sat on the other side of us.He a silent fellow.

"Jen, what up with him" I whisper to her. She look up to me and smiled.

"He ran away from his other foster parents,He is 16 and he not in school." Jen whisper

"He need a tutor to catch up" I whisper to her.

"I will enroll him in the School that Ryan and Claire is in.It part middle school a part high school" Jen whisper

"That football Shawn, it like basketball but it tackling and field goals" Ryan said

"I want to do that" Shawn said with confidence

"Well your gonna need football first" Ryan said and the door bell ring.I go to the door and open it.It was Sam at the door.

"Hey man, what up" I ask

"I wanted to see my favorite children and Jen" Sam said and I laugh

"Wow that hurts" I said and let him in.

"Hey where is my favorite niece and nephew" Sam said and walk in.

"Uncle Sam" Ryan said and run to Sam

"Hey little man"Sam said and Shawn look at Sam.

"Sam, that Shawn.Shawn that uncle Sam" I said and Shawn get up and shake his hand.

"Hey" Shawn said and shake Sam hand.

"If you want to hang with me you can,I give you beer.Have you ever had some" Sam to him

"When I was on the street, as a child" He said

"Your gonna like me" Sam said with a Finnick smile and Shawn sit back and watch the game.

"Want a beer Sam" I ask and we walk in the kitchen.

"Josh I got a good feeling about Shawn" Sam said

"What do you see in that boy" I ask and grab two beers.

"Josh lighten up,Have faith in the boy.He going to be a football player one day" Sam said and I pop my bottle.

"Where you find him at" Sam ask

"Jen found him" I Said

"I heard my name" Jen said and walk in the kitchen

"Jen" Sam said and hug her.

"Jen I want a piece of that pregnant or not" Sam said

"No Finnick Odiar" Jen said and Sam laugh

"You chose the boy with bread over me" Sam said

"He got toasty buns"Jen said and pinch my butt.Sam started to laugh.

"I'm the girl on fire" Jen said

"No, your the girl with pizza" I said and Jen lights punch me.

"I love you" I said and Sam mimics me

"Love you guys too" Jen said and I tuck my head in her boobs.

"Hey I want some" Sam said

"You have Jena,go stuff your head in her boobs" Jen said and I laugh.I walk into the living room, where Shawn was at.

"You know Shawn,we are sorta similar" I said and put my hair through my fingers.

"How" he ask

"My parents got divorce a while back and now my mom is sad and I never saw my dad since" I said and my phone ring.It was a someone I didn't expect to call me.

A/N: Who did you think called him?Vote and comment what you think so far.

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