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"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up."

Alexandria Wright

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Alexandria Wright

Walking into my work today felt like a chore. Every Other day, I love it. Today, I dreaded it because I was not having a good day. I feel like it has a lot to do with a phone call I got this morning.

"Well, isn't it my favorite girl?"

"Hey, Hunter," I say, putting down my phone, purse, and wallet on my desk.

"Aww, what's wrong, honey bee?" Hunter approaches me, holding his arms out for me to walk into. I kindly accept, walking straight into them and leaning my head onto his chest. "You haven't looked this down since the day you dropped your tacos."

He pulls me back a bit to look me in the face. "My dad's dead," I say in a monotone voice. Saying it out loud makes it a reality.

Hunter looks at me like he has no idea what to tell me. I could see the gears turning in his head, but I could tell he didn't know what to say. Both of his parents are still alive. But then again, he shouldn't feel bad for that because it is not his fault.

This morning at six thirty in the morning, I got a phone call from my father's lawyer telling me that he died. I asked him if any of my family knew, and he said he would call them after he was done talking to me. My siblings and I haven't been at arms reach of each other since I was eighteen. I decided to move out right away just because my father was too strict.

"Oh darling, I am so sorry." Again, he pulls me into a hug. "When did it happen?" We pull away again, only this time, we both move and sit in our chairs.

"I got a call from his lawyer, and he told me he died of a brain hemorrhage while he was driving. They want me to go home and help with everything."

"Well, I mean, yeah. Aren't the twins still under your dad's care?" I nod.

My brother Nathan and sister Violet are still in high school and living with my dad. I drive over there and bring them home with me sometimes. They like to be over here with me, so I try to have them with me as much as possible. Most of the time, they are home alone because our dad works long hours and is always on business trips.

"Yeah. We need to decide what we are going to do about their living situations. I have to see if they want to come over here with me or if they want to stay there and finish off the rest of their schooling." I run my hand through my hair, pushing it out of my eyes.

"Are you going to move over there if they end up staying in school?"

"I don't want to, but I won't force them to move schools if they don't want to. Especially because they only have one more year after this year." The sound of my phone going off catches my attention.

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