Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Nicholai's POV

"Tonight we are here to introduce our future Alpha's mates." As soon as the words left his mouth there were whispers floating through the group rising up into the night sky. It sounded like people were questioning the whole 'mates' thing. They were trying to figure out what he meant by mates.

"I knew this would happen." I whispered to Imani who was standing on the other side of me.

"Calm down they're just surprised is all." He reassured me grabbing my hand and interlocking our fingers. That simple gesture alone had settled all my nerves in an instant.

"Yeah I guess."

"Calm down everyone. Quiet!" Alric demanded causing everyone to silence themselves immediately. "Damien will introduce them considering he knows them best." At that Damien stepped forward leaving my side as he went to address the pack. He stood there in front of this crowd with his back straight, his shoulders squared and his entire demeanor screamed Alpha. His presence alone seemed to command respect even though he wasn’t the Alpha yet.

"Hello everyone! I'm glad that you are here with us tonight to share in my good news. As my father has told you I have found my mates. Yes I said mates. There are three of them and at first I thought that it would only be one mate and I was sure that it was simply Nicholai but I then realized that we were all connected. So I formally claim each of them as my mate in front of you, my family and friends.

This is Nicholai, Mateus and Imani. All three of them are my mates and one last announcement we have decided to adopt Owen and Declan. So from now on if anything happens they are our responsibilities so you come to us. I hope that you as my family can be happy for me but if there is any that don't approve of my mates or my children than I ask you to please make yourself known now so that we can deal with the problem now."

Damien sounded so unlike himself when he was talking. It was as if someone more responsible and demanding had taken his place. To say it was hot was an understatement. Imani squeezed my hand seconds later whispering in my ear to behave. My cheeks tinted red as I nodded my head gingerly.

After a few hushed whispers someone raised their hand my heart stopped. Someone actually thought that us being mates was a bad thing? The low growl that came from Damien's lips even scared me. The man that had his hand up was quivering slightly but he kept his hand up.

"You have a problem with us mating?" Damien grit out between his teeth.

"I ju-just have a que-question." The man stuttered obviously scared that Damien would pounce on him before he even got out that one question.

"Oh. Well go ahead then." Damien responded changing back to his carefree self.

"Will you guys be staying here?" He called out. The question itself caught me off guard because we haven't really spoken about that except maybe one time back at the house. Damien turned around to look at us reading our faces before turning around to respond.

"For right now we haven't decided but whatever my mates and I decide that will be the final decision." Damien spoke thoughtfully. The man that originally asked the question nodded his head along with some of the other people in the crowd.

"If there are no other questions for my son I think it best to introduce the men individually so that you know who they are."

Damien turned around to us motioning us forward with his hand. Imani apparently thought that meant to push me ahead of him because that's exactly what he did. Never had I been the type to be shy or nervous in front of people but this time I was scared as hell. My fear got the best of me as I stood in front of this huge crowd willing the ground to open up and swallow me whole. At one point I was even contemplating shifting into my eagle and flying far away.

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