Chapter 27

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“So when are we leaving from Alpha Alric’s pack?” Declan asked. This was probably his sixth question since we got in the car. I glared back Imani instead of the small boy because he was supposed to be keeping the child entertained. He pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance when he heard the question. I guess he’s being tortured enough as it is.

We left his home early that morning only stopping long enough to get breakfast and speak to his parents before we left. He and Damien were up before the rest of us but I just assumed that they were out for an early morning run which wasn’t that unusual since they hadn’t been shifting a lot lately.

“When we get there you can pack.” Imani gritted out.

“Do Owen and I get our own rooms?” Declan asked again.

“If you want.” Imani growled out.

“But I don’t want a separate room from Owen.” Declan replied.

“Then why would you ask if you were getting separate rooms? I really don’t understand children.” He muttered in annoyance throwing his hand up in the air in frustration.

“Then why’d you adopt us?” Owen asked quietly from his other side.

“Because at the time it seemed like a good idea but I’m about to commit my first murder if Declan doesn’t stop talking.” He replied sweetly to Owen and it was the sweetness in his voice that really scared the small boy.

“Imani stop tormenting the boys.” Mateus scolded him from the driver’s seat. Imani let out a big sigh and sat back in his seat running his fingers through his hair as both boys waited in anticipation for the apology they hoped was coming.

“I’m sorry I got all frustrated and shi-stuff.” He quickly corrected himself at the end.

“Apology accepted.” Both said at the same time grinning wildly.

“Why are you so tense anyways?” I asked him, turning around in the passenger seat to get a better view of him.

“My father called me in to talk business and as usual he pissed me off. He’s a business man at heart and he wanted me to mate with the daughter of another feline shifter community up north because of what he’d get out of the relationship.”

“What the hell? We’re already mates. He can’t do that! Can he?”

“Like hell he can! I know who my mate is and I love him with all my heart.” He replied easily making my cheeks burn in embarrassment.

“Nicholai why are your cheeks all red?” Owen asked curiously as I tried to cough over his question so Imani wouldn’t hear. But it was too late because he had already focused his attention on me with a huge smile gracing his face.

“Um…so Declan…Don’t you have any more questions for Imani?”

“Yeah! Tons!” he yelled causing Imani to groan in displeasure. As Declan went on and on with questions for Imani to answer I thought about what Imani had said. True I was his mate but we had yet to actually mate. The thought of him being taken away from me because of a technicality like that made me extremely sad so I made up my mind that when we got back to our home he and I would mate.

We arrived at the pack grounds about midday and told the two boys to start getting all their things ready to leave. We told them that if they didn’t figure out what they wanted to take that we would be up there soon to just go through it for ourselves. That sent them sprinting off to their room to go sort out their toys.

Damien’s huge white wolf emerged from the forest with muddy paws. His tongue fell from his mouth as he stopped in front of us panting. He nudged my hand with his nose urging me to run my fingers along him. I never really understood why.

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