Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Nicholai's POV

"What?" The men roared as the women gasped holding their hands over their mouths.

The power behind their voices made my whole body cringe as I took a few steps back until my back was pressed firmly against Mateus' chest. His fingers interlocked with mine as he held my hand soothingly rubbing his thumb over the back of my hand. Taking a deep breath I calmed my nerves.

Imani and Damien flinched at the sounds of their father's voices considering that neither one of them were the Alphas of their groups. But once they saw the affect they had on me they moved forward standing in front of me and Mateus shielding us from the judgmental and hateful glares coming from their parents.

"Don't you ever in your life scare my mate like that? Father or not I will kill you where you stand if you hurt him." Damien's voice was hard and dangerous I had never heard him speak with such determination and seriousness before.

Damien and Imani's father calmed down a bit but you could tell they were still angry as hell because you could see it in their eyes. Not to mention that their fists were clenched by their sides as their own sons stood there defying them.

"Don't you threaten me!" Damien father growled at him.

"Then don't growl angrily towards my mate. He didn't do anything wrong except inform you that he is now our mate. If you want to be mad at anyone you can take it up with the fates I'm sure we can find them and arrange some sort of meeting for you." He said with a smug smirk on his face knowing that my family was made up of gods.

"Everyone needs to calm down and take a seat. There is no reason to be screaming and growling like you're doing right now." Mateus spoke slowly and softly.

It was amazing at how calm he could be in a situation like this when Damien and Imani were ready to shift and tear their own parents to shreds. As if under a trance everyone in the room seemed to relax shifting over to the couches and sitting down.

Mateus sat down on a seat pulling me into his lap as Damien and Imani stood next to us on either side with their arms crossed and scowls on their faces. Guilt washed over me knowing that I was the reason they were so angry at their own flesh and blood.

"Who are you Mateus? Or should I ask WHAT are you?" Imani's father emphasized the what. The chest I was resting on heaved greatly as Mateus took a deep breath before answering.

"Right now that is of no concern to you. What we need to be discussing is how to deal with the fact that both your sons are mated to the same two people as well each other."

"Quite frankly I feel that if you four are in love that we should leave you alone." Damien's mother cooed.

"I agree with my wife to an extent. I think that there is no reason for any of us to be getting all worked up over this. Although they both now have mates from different species I don't think that us fighting will solve anything or make this better.

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