Chapter 45

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We had spent a lot longer at my mother’s than we had anticipated. After a week of nothing but fun at my old home we decided that it was time for us to go back. As usual my mother was sad to see me go but also quite indifferent about me leaving. She actually told me to come back and visit her if I didn’t die first. Andre and Jace were sad to see us go but we made plans to meet up at our house after everything was over.

“Daddy…” Owen whined for like millionth time this afternoon.

“Owen we have to leave.” I replied as he clung to my leg refusing to leave.

“But I don’t want you to.” He cried.

Reaching down I picked him up and cradled him to my chest as he sniffled and wiped his nose on my shirt. Grimacing I ran my fingers through his hair and soothed him as he calmed down in a matter of seconds. Looking up at my mates I stuck my tongue out at Damien who was laughing at my grimacing face.

“We’ll be back soon but until then you have Declan, Rue, and Kaya to keep you company.” I told him.

 “Yeah, you got me.” Declan announced as he tugged on Owen’s shoe.

“Alright.” Owen sniffled once more before he began to wiggle to get down.

Putting him down next to Declan I watched as his mate grabbed his little hand and pulled him away as they both waved good bye. Rue and Kaya hugged all four of us good bye before running to follow after Declan and Owen. They were going to be the best of friends as they grew up.

 “They’ll be fine.” My mom spoke as I stared off at them.

“I know but just to be sure how about Kai spend the night here or something?” I asked.

“Well Than is already sending over Cerberus and they decided that they’d all take shifts to watch over us.” She explained.

“Alright, well I guess we’ll get going now.” I replied hesitantly.

“Come on babe.” Damien pulled on my arm leading me back to the room where the few things we ended up having to buy were at.

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