Chapter 34

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My eyes flickered open and I was greeted with nothing but the stars shining brightly in the night sky and the full moon staring back at me. The distant sounds of a wild animal's cry piqued my interest. Digging my fingers into the soil beneath me brought me back to the realization of what had happened.

Everything began to flash back to my mind and in seconds I was sitting up searching for my mates. Lying against a tree nearby I spotted Mateus, lying a few feet from me was my big strong wolf, and turning to my other side I grinned seeing Imani.

Rolling my back I worked out the small aches that were still present but something felt off. Looking down I noticed that I was still properly dressed and everything seemed fine, except for a few obvious dirt spots I was perfectly fine.

"Mateus..." I called as I leaned over and nudged Damien in his side before leaning back over and poking Imani.

I would have laughed seeing Damien roll over and jump up as fast as he did but he was so distraught and it was rolling off him in waves. All of my mates rushed over to me in a worried state. Damien and Imani shifted instantly and were kneeling in front of me.

"You're awake?" Mateus asked as he cupped my face with both his hands.

"I am. How long have I been out?" I asked staring into his eyes.

"Not that long, maybe only half an hour. After you began to shift we brought you out here just in case. Everyone is back inside waiting on news of your sa-"

"Wait! You said shift?" I interrupted him.

"Yes, you don't feel them?" Mateus asked a bit confused.

"Feel them?" I asked even more confused.

Instead of answering me he reached past me and I felt something quite strange. It was as if he was brushing his hand along my back but it wasn't exactly my back it was something else. When he pulled back he looked me in my eyes.

"Did you feel that?" He asked.

"What was that?" I questioned.

"Babe, you have wings." Damien whispered.

"I...I have...I have wings?" I stuttered.

"Yes. They're gorgeous..." Imani purred as he reached past me and stroked my wings.

"Can you move them?" Mateus asked me.

"I don't think so." I replied as I shrugged my shoulders up and down.

"No, not like that. You have to think of them as an extension of your body. Don't move your shoulders you just have to feel it." Mateus instructed.

 Doing as he said I tried to feel my wings and move them just like I would move any other extremity. It was weird but I did indeed feel something back there. The more I thought about it the easier it became to move them.

There was a light gust of air behind me that began to kick up some of the dirt and leaves around me. Before I knew it my feet were just lightly grazing the ground beneath me. Seconds later I was feet above my mates who were gazing at me from the ground.

"What! Oh my gosh!" I screamed in excitement as I tried to get the hang of everything. I was tilting sideways in the air, flapping my wings spastically trying to keep afloat.

"Calm down and just flap the wings periodically." Mateus called out.

"Easier said than done." I called down to him.

 "No it's as easy as I said." He replied rolling his eyes.

Taking a deep breath I tried to regulate my wings flapping and unfortunately he was right it was actually that easy. Soon I was easily floating above them just staring down at the three of them. Looking up I noticed that I could practically see above the tree tops from where I was.

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