Chapter 41

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As my body was stretched into uncomfortable positions day in and day out by these chains that were tightly wrapped around my wrists and hooked to the wall I realized something. Being a selfless sacrifice was definitely not the way to go.

My entire body ached in a way that I didn't want to even think about. All I really wanted was a scalding hot bath that soothed every ache and pain that I had right now. I had fantasized about my mates being there to just massage every inch of my tired body.

I'd have a tub filled with nothing but bubbles and Imani would be sitting in between my legs as I rested against Mateus. Damien would be sitting on the other end holding my foot in his massive hands massaging them gently.

He would gently work his way up my calves as Imani worked his way down my thighs. Both sensually moving their way towards each other as Mateus dug his fingers into my shoulders causing me to moan out in sheer pleasure.

Those thoughts are what kept me sane during the lonely nights when I was here healing from the sever beatings of the day. As I lay against this cold hard wall and think of nothing else besides my mates I promised myself that I wouldn't give up. I'd fight for them.

I'm ready for my mates or my brother to bust in here at any moment and we're going to start some sort of war or something! I don't know how long I've been here for but what I do know is that when the time is right I will definitely be the first one to jump into the fight.


I'll try at least. The chains that were cutting deeply into my wrists were charmed or magical or whatever the hell the word is I'm looking for. I can't shift while I'm in them. Either it's the chains or the prison cell I'm in but regardless of what it is I can't shift into anything, not even my griffin and believe me I have tried.

It's like I can't even feel them anymore. I can't grab hold of that little piece inside of me that I use to shift and it's not a good feeling. It feels as if a part of me is missing and I'm sure that it's not just because I can't shift either. My mates and my kids are missing from my life too and I need to find a way to get back to them.

There really is no way out though unless I try to fight my way out. Probably not going to happen considering I'm not that amazing at fighting and there are at least twenty guards that I would have to go through just to get out of this underground prison.

The sound of someone walking down the steps echoed against the dark moldy walls and I groaned. Usually they would only come once or twice a day and it was too early for another beating today. Either they were here to barely feed me or they were coming down here to beat me but why they were beating me? I have no idea.

I assumed that once Sergei got his hands on me that he would just take what he wanted and let me go. Why I'm still here is beyond me. Every day someone comes down here and pretty much tortures me until my body can take no more and then I black out.

The light voice that bounces off the wall shocked me for a second then I remember that Allison belonged to this pack with her mate. Shudders of disgust rack my body every time I think of that one. She seemed so sweet and innocent and motherly but she quickly betrayed us when the time came.

"Good afternoon Nicholai." She greeted me pleasantly as if I wasn't chained to the wall and bleeding.

"I've come to give you some food and water. Is that alright with you?" She questioned.

When I didn't say anything to ordered the guards to open the door. They protested but she assured them that she would be safe. She walked into my cozy little cell, avoided the blood and puke on the floor and came over to where I was lying on the ground and crouched down.

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