Gino's Pizza Date! Pt. 1

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Kel got up immediately and rushed to the bathroom. Today was the amazing pizza date with Sunny! He couldn't wait for it!

He quickly brushed his teeth and took out his best clothes.

"Slow down Kel! Take your time!" Hero came out from the behind carrying Sally in his arms. "You don't have to do it over the top, make sure you know that. I can tell Sunny is very much amazed by just you!" Hero knew a lot of tips and tricks to charm and romance. His experience is godly and he is very wise.

Kel looked at his big brother. "But Hero, this is our first date! (Not including the one where they confessed) And I really need to impress Sunny!" Kel stared at his Orange Joe T-shirt (Forget Sweetheart fans, Hello Orange Joe crazed fans!)

Sally babbled a bit, and Hero continued holding her, "Well Kel. Just be yourself. There's no pressure! I mean the Orange Joe t-shirt is a bit much, but what about your polo shirt? Hey, you can borrow my cologne even!" Hero smiled.

Kel nodded. "Thanks!" Kel was glad enough to have his big brother, He always helped him. He really wanted to help Hero like that as well.

He went downstairs and looked at his mother, she was busy making dinner for the family. She looked at Kel and gave a chuckle. "Kelsey, you look so handsome! Make sure you have money! And do you have some breath freshener?"
Kel sighed, "Yes mom...." Kel was happy that his mom at least understood his feelings about Sunny. And constantly teased him for it. His dad seemed neutral with it. Just hoped he didn't put Orange Joe over Sunny.
Kel adjusted his polo, "Now can I go mom?"
Kel's mom looked at Kel proudly. "I'm so proud of you both, and yes you can go. But please make sure that you treat your date with respect."
Kel nodded. "I will thanks mom!" He then finally rushed out the door.

"Wait Kel! I'm supposed to drive you!" Hero called back, but it was too late, Kel already happily went to Sunny's house fully ready to try to have an awesome date with his sunshine.


I was there. At the door to Sunny's house.

Should I knock it? I don't know.
I was nervous. What if I mess it up? Orange Joe and Hero won't be able to help me! I started knocking, nervous as heck. "Here goes nothing!"

Knock Knock!

The door had a excited nervous knock to it.
I could tell it was Kel. We were both excited nervous for it.
I opened it without hesitation, I was already ready and anyways near the door. I hoped Kel would like my outfit. And I was waiting to see what he was wearing as well.

Kel stood there, with a polo (probably from Hero) and smiled flustering a bit.

I was wearing a black (edgy) sweater (I n t h e s u m m e r?) and I actually took Mari's clip and put it on my hair. It was hard putting it on (physically and emotionally) but, I could feel her presence that she was proud.

I blushed a bit because I was lost in thought and not noticing Kel staring at me even more flustering. "Y-You look cute!" Kel chuckled a bit.

I blushed and looked away, as usual with a blank face.

All of a sudden, Kel took my arm. I looked at him and flustered.
"Let's go Sunshine?" He looked at me.
As I was lost in his eyes, I nodded shyly and we walked along the sidewalk to Gino's Pizza.

(By the way, Aubrey and Basil were hiding in the bushes, Aubrey was secretly making fun of them and teasing them in a proud way, and Basil took pictures of them with Aubrey.)

                           *      *      *      *

Kel and Sunny reached the front entrance of Gino's Pizza. Kel held the door. "My sir." He bowed stupidly at Sunny, which made Sunny smile a bit.

As they both walked in, it was a bit empty. Except for three shady people at the corner of the restaurant with hats and sunglasses. (We can guess who) and Pizza Man looking at them, clearly knowing what's going on.

Kel held out a chair for Sunny, and he sat.
"I'm gonna order for us, alright? What do you want baby?"
Sunny flushed, Kel called him baby. That was very embarrassing. Especially when there's shady people and Pizza Man looking at them. He looked at Kel and quietly said, "Anything is fine."
Kel felt proud saying that. He got a cute reaction from Sunny! He walked towards the Pizza Man, and ordered two Hero Sandwiches, and one cheese pizza. Pizza Man took the orders down and looked at both of them smirking. "Alright, two for you and your boyfriend there."
Kel slightly blushed. "Yep..!"

Sunny looked over at the shady people, they quickly looked away. Sunny blinked and then continued to stare at the table, waiting for Kel.

"The food will be here, in the meanwhile let's talk about....Minecraft?" Kel sat down.

Sunny nodded. There was nothing else to talk about, the only thing Sunny had in mind was knives or Kel.

Kel secretly held Sunny's hands under the table. And Sunny kept quite for a moment (haha the classic processing fluster)

Kel smiled at Sunny, and one of the shady people took a secret picture. (I think we all know who it is at this point)

"Order for Kel!" Called the Pizza Man.
"That's us!" Kel said. Sunny looked at Kel and got up with him. They held each other's hands and got the order quickly.

As they sat down, Kel wanted to ask where did Sunny get the hair clip. He looked, cute in it he thought. He never wore Sunny wear a clip and he could feel his heart beat even more with love.

"Where did you get the clip?" Kel finally asked. "Y-You look really really handsome in it.." he mumbled a bit.

Sunny flushed. "It's Mari's.." he had said quietly.

Kel looked up at him. "Wait, really? I bet Mari thinks you look awesome in it. She'd be proud of you."

Sunny looked down. Kel was very caring. That's what he loved about him! Sunny smiled and quickly gestured to eat. They both ate in awkwardly romantic silence.

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