Mari's Words.

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The sound of a basketball hitting the ground..with silent yet predictable bounces. My foot was placed behind my other a stance showing I was ready to shoot. My eye was in on the basketball hoop...and I...took the shot.

It didn't go was usually supposed to go in.

"What...?" I looked at the basketball, which hit the pole instead and rolled towards me...slowly..and silently. "...Must be a mess up,'s just practice!" I told myself while smiling and putting a hand over my head. 

Footsteps...were coming towards me, I jolted up turning around immediately. "W-Who's there?" I don't know why I was so surprised..I was literally at the park (ok..maybe during late in the evening but still) where everyone could come anytime! I still picked up the basketball and held it close to me in a defensive way.  

"Oh don't be so scared Kel!" Said a sweet, energetic familiar voice. I squinted at the person who was coming near me. They as night hair..kinda like Sunny's??  "You've...grown tall!" The person came closer to me..looking up. "You're in a basketball team now?" 

I stood in silence and shock...I could not believe my eyes..and felt as if my brain would explode into tiny little Orange Joes that pour out basketballs that make the noises of Hector. (Literally) What was...Mari doing here? 

"You look like you've seen a ghost!" I think I might've seen one. "Hey...look Kel." Mari looked at me smiling. "I've just wanted to brother looks so much happier now..I've never really thought you guys would actually hit it off! To be honest with you..I had suspicions with Sunny and Aubrey...and also maybe I might've rooted for you guys too." She gave a mischievous smile.

My mouth was open...and the ball was on the ground giving a small thud. "HUH? Wait...w- What are you doing here Mari..?" I didn't know what to say....I didn't know what to do. What was happening? Was this a dream? Nightmare..? Whatever it was..I didn't want to leave it..I missed Mari, she was like another sister to me (sister in law) and..she always supported whatever silly thing I did as a kid. I didn't want to wake up, I was unsure how I even felt. 

"I'm sorry." I blurted out. Tears were forming in my eyes..and I'm not usually a person who cries. I need to stay strong..especially for the sake of support them happy. I need to show them that I have no problems..or else I might..just break, I need to be the Kel everyone knows. For everyone...for my sunshine.

Mari looked at me and it felt like she could read my mind..she pulled me into a hug..with her half translucent glowing figure. She started patting my back. "It's ok wasn't your was nobody's. You've been through a lot too, and you can let it out." She placed her head on my chest, "You know...I should apologize myself..I shouldn't have taken it out on Sunny." She sighed. "None of this would happen if I wasn't screaming at a 12 year old..making him more anxious because I wanted to be a perfectionist." She also teared up a bit, "Although I was mad at him that he..accidentally killed me..I know he didn't mean it,  I know Sunny, and I also know you Kel. I know you were upset and frustrated and you carried on this sadness for so long...and you're the one who tried his best to tie this whole gang together! You.....deserve to cry." She hugged me tighter, and I started sobbing silently. I didn't have energy to be confused and embarrassed.  

"I was...mad, when both Basil and Sunny told us the truth...but I still wanted to be there for them..I needed time, but I didn't give myself time. I know it wasn't their fault..but I was still upset. We've all missed you, I love Sunny, and I don't want to seem like a burden to him. I know he goes through a lot because he misses you, that's why I'm scared if I mess up while comforting..because I don't want to lose him, like we lost you."

Mari let go and gave me a straight look. "Kel. I'm saying this as a big sister figure!" She crossed her arms and looked at me seriously. "You..matter just as much as my little brother does." She pointed at my chest. "From what I've're a pretty good partner to Sunny, and I'm so proud of you for being there for him, just as I was to him...but now, you should also be open..I lashed out on him, but that wasn't right of me..I don't want you to be the same as me, not really being open on feelings. I know Sunny has a kind heart, and Sunny loves you so you better be open to him! You both deserve each other..ok?" She stood up straight.

I awkwardly looked down at the ball near my feet. "Y-yeah.." I quietly said. I sniffled and wiped my tears with my hands, and took the tissue Mari had given me out of thin air. I looked up at her, and smiled. "Thanks..Mari. Thank you." I hugged her ina  big hug. "You're so..awesome." Mari smiled. "Thank you too y'know? Don't ever beat yourself down the bush." She patted my shoulder. "And.." She pulled away from the hug. "You haven't lost me. Which every moment is..say, you and Sunny being happy together..or even the crew itself! You feel that warm presence..right?"

I put my hand on my chin, thinking deeply. "'s really comforting!" I piped up. "Wait.." I started processing this information. "THAT'S YOU??" My hands went quickly on my mouth and I gasped. "DUDE...that' cool!" I smiled brightly.

Mari giggled, "You goofball." She ruffled my hair. "Yes..that is me. Although..I do give you some privacy with Sunny when you guys are kissing..or whatever." She had a smug smile. I turned pink and looked away whistling.."I and Hero did that thing!" She rolled her eyes, "Yup..yup...we did, Kissing is a nice thing to indicate you love someone...but you always interrupted us, or either Sunny and Basil.." She giggled. "Now..when you wake up." She held my arms, "I want you to remember what I just said, ok Kel?" She looked up at me. "You're amazing, you're strong and you're confident..never EVER let anything bring you down..ok? And make sure you say this to the others too, because they need to hear this!" 

I nodded. "Yes, of course Mari!!" I saluted playfully, and smiled down at her. "Great, I'm glad we're on the same page sargeant." She put her hands on her hips giving a smirk. "Alright...goodbye Kel. It was nice talking with you..remember..I'll always be the presence." She started fading away....I guess she really was a ghost after all! But the nice kind of ghost..not those scary ones.

I picked up the ball, and smiled softly. It felt nice to talk..and let it out with someone...I shot the ball, and it went in the hoop..causing me to wake up out of my dream, and finding myself sleeping while hugging Sally in my arms in her babyroom.

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