Spy Team (Ft. KimBrey or Cotton Candy)

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Kel and Sunny were chilling in the treehouse with the crew, Sunny was reading a book, while Kel was resting his head on his future husband's head (because Sunny was sitting on Kel's lap-) playing video games with extreme focus. Hero was playing cards with Basil, while Aubrey was adding more nails to her bat. (Chill Aubrey)

Kel grimaced, due to the lack of Orange Joe and cuddles (from Sunny especially). He paused his game and hugged Sunny from behind.

Sunny blushed a bit and turned around to face him putting his book down, "Hm?" 

Kel looked at Sunny with puppy dog eyes, "I need cuddles sunshine, please" Kel put out his arms.

Sunny smiled a bit, and hugged Kel. "There, there." He said quietly.

Aubrey looked at them and smirked, "You guys seriously need to get married."

Basil smiled, "I'll uh, call dibs on planning it! I would also be the photographer if that's ok!"

"I'll make some, hmmmm oh! Orange Joe fondue!" (Which Hero means as a joke)

They all snickered, while Kel and Sunny looked away and blushed a bit, but Kel agreed to every word they said.

Aubrey gasped, which made them look her way. "CRAP! I completely forgot. I'm supposed to meet  Kim at Gino's Pizza for our date! UGH!"

Hero shook his head, "Bad move Aubrey. Bad move."

"Oh shut up idiot! But yeah, I kind of agree. That was bad of me too." Aubrey looked down. "I'm going right now! And don't you dare spy on me and Kim idiots!" She dashed out of the treehouse with all might to get to her girlfriend.

Kel looked at everyone and gave a mischievous grin. "Do you guys wanna spy on them? I mean, for me and my love it will be revenge since most of you guys spied on our dates." Kel said.

Hero looked at his little brother, and went over to pat his head. "Sure! It will be fun." Hero grinned and looked at Sunny.

"Okay." Sunny said silently. Basil nodded his head since his best friend had agreed. 

"Alright guys, here's the plan." Hero gathered them up. "Aubrey said she's going to Gino's Pizza right? So we get disguises and-"

"Have Orange Joe and pizza!" Kel chirped. Sunny rolled his eyes but chuckled softly.

"Erm, Kel that would give away our disguise." Basil said. "What if we wore mysterious clothes?" He then suggested.

"Sure! My dad has long coats in our house." Hero said. "Good plan Basil, let's go get them now!" 

                                                                           *             *           *

Kel wore a long black coat in the blazing sun, while Sunny had worn a light grey winter coat. While Basil and Hero wore sports coats and had sunglasses on (LUCKY THEM.) 

Hero was driving the car, while Basil was in the front seat. Sunny and Kel were bopping to the music Hero put on, It was pop songs from the radio. 

Basil took pictures of the sights and looked back at Sunny and smiled. 

"We're here guys! You can stop your bopping now." Hero parked in place, and held the door out for them.

"Thank you." They all said, and Kel and Sunny dashed to get to Aubrey's date.

Hero and Basil followed them inside with pure sneak mode on. Pizza Man already knew who they were and what they were here for so he just acknowledged their existence and made them not seen.

Aubrey was on the other table, with Kim. They were holding hands and looking at each other lovingly while eating pizza. "You look so pretty today Bun Bun." Kim sighed dreamily. "That's you, Kim Possible (NOT REFRENCING THE SHOW IT'S JUST A CUTE NICKNAME)." She said with a flirty tone.

Kim blushed and looked away, then fixed her glasses and gave Aubrey's hand a kiss. Which made Aubrey fluster a bit.

"Oh, so you wanna be my prince charming? Too late." Aubrey leaned over and gave Kim a kiss. "You're my princess." She winked. 

Kel looked at Sunny, then at them, then at Hero and Basil. "Are we lovey dovey like this-?" He asked, which made Sunny a little embarrassed. 

"Very much so, I even have pictures of it when we caught you stuck up in love." Basil giggled.

Hero nodded, "I have to agree, you guys look cute and dumb at the same time."

Kel flushed. "I mean, Sunny is my prince, and I'm the knight in shining armor!" He winked at Sunny. 

Sunny flushed and quickly looked away. "Oh stop it." Sunny smiled.

Basil and Hero looked at each other, "Looks like love is in the air!" Hero smiled. Basil nodded.

A happy presence filled the room, they felt as if someone above was smirking and being proud of all of them for finding happiness in their true one. Hero smiled when he felt that. "I love you Mari." He said quietly so nobody could hear.

                                                                          To be continued

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