Nightmares pt.1

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It was dark, and silent. All you could hear was running, someone breathing heavily and strange noises.

A figure loomed above giving a creepy aura that could draw somebody to it. The figure was stretched and it had a broken neck.

"Sunny...."  Said a familiar voice. Sunny didn't want to look nor he didn't want to be here. Where was he first of all? It looked like black space but he couldn't be back, Omori was destroyed wasn't he? 

No. No he was not. Because, there he was staring at Sunny head on, with the figure (hellmari) right beside him. 

What was happening? This all felt so real but Sunny knew this was a dream, right? 

Sunny started breathing heavily in panic. He then noticed the crew was behind him but they seemed normal, almost.

Their figures were completely flickering to their childhood selves and older selves, this wasn't right. 

Sunny wanted to escape, but how? How  could he wake up? 

Suddenly, Mari came behind him which gave Sunny a jolt. He then stared at Mari terrified. "No."  He thought shaking with fear and tears in his eyes. "If HellMari is here and Mari herself is here, What could this mean...? Are they here to hurt me?" His thinking went all over the place and he couldn't stay still, his fight or flight response activating but also going haywire.

Mari looked at him, then put her hand on his shoulder causing Sunny to wake up in cold sweat.

                                                                                    *       *       *

Sunny found himself in a sleepover with Kel. Kel was right next to Sunny in his own bed. 

After seeing the sight of Kel sleeping soundly, Sunny tried to maintain stability in breathing, he didn't want Kel to know what had happened.

Too late, Kel had woken up a bit. "Hey sunshine..." He yawned. "What time is it?" He looked at Sunny with a grin but a second later his grin dropped seeing Sunny all terrified and breathing heavily.

"Woah, are you ok? What's wrong?" Sunny started tearing up a bit. He couldn't let Kel know. "Sunshine, please tell me." Kel put a concerned hand on Sunny's shoulder for comfort. It helped a bit.

Sunny shook his head but still cried, he then got up and ran to the bathroom closing the door. 

Kel went to get him, finding that he locked the bathroom door. It was 2 am in the morning, and Kel was already too worried than sleepy. "Sunshine? Please tell me what's wrong...Did you have a nightmare again? I can make you some warm milk, and we can even talk about it and hug!" Kel suggested. Sunny didn't make any sound.

Kel sighed. "I'm gonna stay here until you tell me what's wrong. I want to know because you're my sunshine and my love. Please tell me when you're comfy." He slouched down behind the door and sat.

Sunny was quiet, he sat by the door as well, not even thinking to go near the mirror. What if he saw HellMari, or worse Omori. His thoughts raced and he looked at the door deciding whether or not to tell Kel what had happened.


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