~Chapter 10~ Reliving the Past

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Import note at end. Please read.
Chapter 10: Reliving the Past
~ Danielle's POV~

After Amanda went outside, I walked into Liam's room to see him sitting on his bed crying his eyes out. I went and sat next to him and tried to talk to him and hear his side of the story.

"Hey," I said putting a hand on his back. He looked up at me with bloodshot eyes and mumbled a hi. This isn't going to be easy. " Please tell me your side of the story Li. "

"We walked into the house back from rehearsals and came to the basement where we saw Amanda and Ross standing there. Amanda was pointing a gun at Ross. I didn't know what to do I was scared too. Do you know where she got it from?"

"The gun was actually Ross's. He came in the house and tried to shoot her. Amanda was just defending herself and you came in and went off on her. Do you know how much you hurt her? You are making her relive the past few years of her life. She finally just got better a few months ago then this happened. I still can't believe you did this," I started getting a bit mad and stood up from the bed.

"Why are you making such a big deal of it? If she got better once she can get better again," he stated, getting up too and standing on the other side of the bed. That's how Liam has been lately, bipolar.

"Do you even realize the words that are coming out of your mouth? You may not realize it, but you're becoming more like you're father everyday!" That's it, I finally cracked and I can tell he did too. Just by the way Liam's face was getting red and he was getting tense.

"Well at least I didn't go and cheat when you said you were going out for dinner with family!"

"For the last time why don't you believe that is my brother! ( A/N:does Danielle have a brother? idk if not just go along with it please)Why can't you trust me anymore? Wait forget just me, you haven't been trusting anyone lately! Especially those who are the closet to you!"

"First you compare me to my father then you go and say that I don't trust anyone. You're unbelievable."

"I'm unbelievable? I think you are actually the unbelievable one. I didn't go and slap someone who has been scarred by this before. That's what unbelievable is. You know what, forget it I'm leaving, I'll talk to you when I think I can actually face you again," and with that I walked out of the house leaving Liam mad, shocked, and astonished.

~Amanda's POV~
In the past few hours I have relieved the scariest part of my life. When I lived with my dad before I came to live with Liam. If you haven't caught on by now, I was abused by my father. The cops haven't and will never find out. Liam found out a few years ago when he came home to surprise us. Neither my father nor I knew he was coming home, and Liam walked in on my dad hitting me once.

The reason my dad hit me was because he would always say I'm the worthless child, I should be more like Liam, be a superstar, have a life, get a well paying job. That's what he always told me. I never really believed it until I saw how famous One Direction was getting.

When Liam found out, he got me out of the house right away and I went to live with him and the boys. Liam took me to a therapist and I eventually got better a few years later. Bad thing is, here we are today and I'm starting to relive the past. The only people that knew about it were Liam, the boys, and the girls. Not even Ross knew. Now I'm thankful he didn't. He probably would have told the world that too.

All of this started to make my head hurt. I started to get extremely dizzy and heard someone yelling my name. Sounded a lot like Louis so I'm guessing it was. Before I knew it I started falling and someone caught me before I hit the ground. That would've got me more bruises and injuries. I looked up and saw Niall holding me. I thought I only saw Louis before though. I can't even remember. The last thing I saw were his blue eyes filled with tears and his mouth moving, but I couldn't hear words coming out. Everything then went black.

Guess who's back, back, back. Back again, again, again. Ryan's back, back back. She's back again,again,again.
Oh my god it feels so good to be writing this again. I still feel super bad because I just stopped and I got super busy. I'm gonna try to do regular updates and hopefully I will succeed with that. Please give me feedback on what you think. It really means a lot. Also go check out my 5sos and Janoskians story please. It's called "That Girl". Love you guys loads thank you so much to those who kept following the book even though I stopped. Keep a look out for my updates and other notes I put in.

Word Count: 913
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Love you guys 😘 ~ Ry 😜

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