~ Chapter 17~ Date Crasher?

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~ Niall's POV ~

I was getting ready to leave the house when Liam came down the stairs.

"Wow Niall. Where are you going dressed like that?"

"An old friend of mine is in town, and we're going to a nice dinner tonight." Hopefully he believes it.

"Well, have fun."

"Thanks Liam." I quickly walked out of the house and got into my car.

That was a close one. Too close actually. I looked at my phone and texted Amanda that I'm on my way. Driving to the house with the directions Amanda gave me, I got there in under a half hour. Getting out of the car, I walked up to the door and knocked. Now is when the nerves start kicking in. The door opened and I saw Caspar.

"Niall! Good to see you, man. Come in, Zoe should almost be done getting Amanda ready."

I walked in the house and looked around. I do remember being here once or twice, but obviously Amanda came here more often because she knew how to get here with no problem. Hearing two pairs of feet walking up the stairs, I turned around and saw Zoe and Amanda. God she is beautiful. Both of them are, but right now, all I see is Amanda.

"You look gorgeous."

"You don't look too bad yourself," she laughed and I did too. (Outfits on side)

"Ready to go?"

"Yeah. Guys, I'll be back later." They all responded with various answers as we walked back out to my car. Once we got in the car it was silent. Until I spoke up.

"How have you been?"

"Besides missing you guys, okay I guess. I wanted to run away a while ago, and I'm kind of glad I did. Being away has just given me time to think about everything. But now, I don't know if I regret it or not."

I nodded and it got silent again. When we pulled up to the small restaurant we both got out and walked in. We were seated at a table in the back and given menus. After a while, the waiter came and took our orders. Finally, Amanda started to be her funny, happy self. During dinner we talked nonstop and it was full of laughs. I paid and we walked out towards the car, still laughing. I just unlocked the car, when I heard an all to familiar voice.

"So, Niall you think you can just find where my sister is then take her out for dinner? Without telling any of us."

"Liam what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I just came to find out what's going on between you two. And I'm not going to ask you again. Why didn't you tell anyone?" With each step he got closer to us.

"I told him not to tell anyone," Amanda said."I didn't want to come home yet. I enjoy being away, but I wanted Niall to know so he would stop asking where I was."

"And you don't think, your own brother wouldn't want to know where you were?"

"If you wanted to know where I was, you wouldn't tell Niall to stop looking. Or you would keep looking. And did you really use the 'your own brother' line? Ridiculous. If you were my 'own brother' maybe you wouldn't have turned into dad."

"What did I tell you about talking about him!" Liam yelled

"Does it look like I care right now?" And Amanda yelled right back. "You know what, f**k it and f**k you too. Niall we're leaving." Amanda got in on her side of the car and I got in on mine.

We drove back to Joe and Caspar's house, and once we got there, I walked Amanda up to the door.

"I'm so sorry about Liam. I don't know how he found us. I promise you I didn't tell him."

"Niall, it's fine. Even if you did, I wouldn't be mad. It's not your fault he's been being an ass." I leaned in and kissed her. It's been so long since we last kissed. "I should get going inside and you should get back to the house. Please be careful though."

"I will. I promise." I kissed her once more and watched her go inside. Once I heard the door lock, I walked back to my car and drove back home. What a night.

~ Amanda's POV ~

Walking in the house, I saw Zoe on the couch waiting.

"I thought you were leaving while I was gone?" I asked taking my jacket off.

"We pushed it back for two more days. Come fill me in with details." I sat next to her and told her everything that happened.

"Tomorrow can we go to the mall? I think I want to change my appearance."

Word count: 815
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Love you guys 😘 ~ Ry 😜

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