~ Chapter 27 ~Boyfriend

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~ Chapter 27 ~ Boyfriend
~ Amanda's POV ~

"You have a boyfriend?" I asked Danielle slowly. "When did this happen?"

"Around the time of your birthday." She looked down.

"Well what's his name?"


"Joe who?"

"Please don't be mad at me, but its Joe Sugg."

"Why didn't you or Joe tell me this before. I was with him for so long and he didn't say a word about any type of relationship. How did you guys even meet? I still can't believe you moved on already."

"We meet at a shop in town. We literally ran into each other and we just hit it off. I'm sorry Amanda, I didn't think we would ever talk again."

"Why would you think that?"

"I thought you were mad at me and would be mad at me about this." I started to get angry and raised my voice a bit.

"If you would've told me when it happened, I wouldn't have been that mad. Finding out now, I'm extremely pissed. And you know that Liam and Joe are friends! I can't believe you Dani!" I grabbed my phone off the table and ran out of the restaurant.

Unbelievable. Danielle and Joe. Who would've thought them two, out of all people, would start dating. On my phone, I pulled up how long it would take to walk home and it said about 20 minutes. Great. Thankfully, I had a pair of headphones in my pocket so I put those in. I should go stop by Joe's house to talk to him about all this, since he's only a block away from here. Turning around, I started heading to Joe's house. I had my key ring in my pocket to and their house key was now on there. When I got to the house, I unlocked the door and walked inside.

"Caspar? Joe?" I yelled throughout the house. Seconds later the person I wanted to see came walking up the stairs.

"Amanda what's wrong? Why are you back so soon? Did something happen?" Joe got closer to me and I got closer to him.

"Yeah something did happen. I found out about you and Danielle. What the hell Joe? How could you? Also, how could you not tell me?"

"Look, Amanda, I'm sorry. I'll tell her that we can't date anymore if it upsets you."

"No don't let me stop you. If you guys are happy then I'll just have to deal with it." I got interrupted by my phone going off. I saw it was Liam's caller id. I answered it and immediately I was bombarded with questions.

"Amanda where are you? Are you okay? Niall told me you just ran out of the house. Who are you with?"

"Liam, I'll be home in a little bit. I'm talking with a friend. I'll see you at home." I hung up the phone then turned to Joe. "I got to go." I opened the door and saw it was raining. "Bloody hell."

"Wait Amanda." I turned and saw Joe putting on his shoes and coat. "At least let me drive you home."

The car ride home was silent. Usually when it's silence between Joe and I, it's a goo silence, but right now it's just awkward. When we pulled up to my house, I got out of the car and slammed the door shut. No goodbye, no nothing. The boys, except Zayn, were all in the living room with their girlfriends. Liam even had someone sitting my him. She looked so fake and it made me mad. She also looked slightly familiar too. Niall thankfully didn't have anyone by him.

"So I'm guessing you moved on too Liam?" I asked bitterly.

"What do you mean Amanda?" He questioned, getting up and unwrapping his arm from the girl's shoulders.

"Danielle already has a new boyfriend and by the looks of it, you already have a new girlfriend. So you both already moved on, after everything that has happened between the two. Finding out that Dani has a boyfriend made me upset, but finding out that both of you have new people, in the same day, made me extremely upset." I started to walk upstairs, but Liam started talking again.

"Wait Dani has a boyfriend?"

"Yeah she does and the thing that made me even more upset was finding out that it's Joe."


"How many other Joe's do we know!" I kept walking and slammed the door to my room shut.

I sat down at my desk and started thinking. Knowing that would get me nowhere, I started to do something I haven't done in a while. Write. More specifically, write a song. I grabbed my song book off of one of my dressers and opened it. I've written a song or two before, but they were horrible and seemed like a two year old wrote them. Since then, I've just jotted down random lyrics, but right now, I'm going to try songs again.

Two hours of nonstop writing, I finally had the song. Now to get it to guitar chords.

The song will be in the next chapter. Sorry that this one is short. What do you think of Danielle and Joe?
Word count: 880
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Love you guys 😘 ~ Ry 😜

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