~Chapter 9~ LIAM! Part 2

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Chapter 9: LIAM! Part 2
#Liam's POV#

I can't believe I slapped Amanda. I didn't mean to. It just happened. I'm still wondering how Ross got in the house and where Amanda got the gun. The thing that broke my heart is that she said she hated me and that she compared me to our dad. Yes if you're wondering our dad slapped Amanda right before our parents handed her over to me. To this day I fully don't know what happened. What am I gonna do?

#Amanda's POV#

~ 1 hour later~

I heard the doorbell ring when I was waking up from a little nap. I grabbed my phone and texted the girls tojust come up. Once I opened the door to let the girls in I saw Niall and Louis sprawled out on the floor sleeping. Guess they were a bit tired too.

''Come on get in quick,'' I whispered.

As soon as they got in my room I locked the door again.

''What happened? Why is your cheek colored?'' Perrie asked worried.

''L-Liam slapped me,'' I started crying before I could even talk.

''He did what?!'' They all screamed.

''He sl-slapped me,'' I sighed.

''Why what happened?'' Eleanor asked.

The whole scene kept replaying in my head as I told them the full story from waking up to me running upstairs.

''I'm gonna go talk to Li,'' Danielle said.

''Ok, but first can you cover this up,'' I said pointing to my cheek.

After about 5 minutes they were done.

''Thanks I'm going to go play some basketball to clear my head,'' I said walking into my closet to go change.

Word count: 290
Remember to:

Love you guys 😘 ~ Ry 😜

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