~ Chapter 25 ~ Phone Call

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~ Chapter 25 ~ Phone Call
~ Danielle's POV ~

It was midday and I was at the dance studio, as usual. The past few days, I feel like I can be living here because of how much I've been here learning a new dance. I was just about to perfectly do the hardest part, when my phone rang, stopping the music. Walking over, I saw the caller ID and it was Amanda. I answered it and before I could say anything she started talking.

"Dani? Can we talk?" She asked in an worried tone.

"Yeah, sure. What's wrong?" I grabbed a chair, knowing it would be a long phone call.

"I know calling you is pretty random, but a lot has happened I think you should know about it. It all started out on my birthday, we were going through my presents, but Liam wasn't home. He totally forgot about my birthday. Then I overheard Liam talking to Niall pretty much saying that I was a spoiled brat. So after a long decision, I ran away. Before I left, I wrote everyone notes, but I didn't tell them where I was. I went to Joe and Caspar's house. Everyone was trying to text and call me, but I ignored them. Except one from Niall. The next day, Zoe and Alfie came. Also Niall called me and I decided to answer. He just wanted to know if I was okay, which I was. That's what I forgot to tell you! A while ago when Ross started sharing my secrets, Niall and I kissed." Amanda paused waiting for a response.

"I knew something was going to happen between you two. I could always sense it. Now finish the story." I didn't want to rush her, but now I was eager to find out.

"Next day, I called Ni and decided to tell him where I was. After he found out, we went out for dinner. Dinner was nice, up until we were leaving. Liam was spying on us the whole time and he and Niall got into a fight. We shared a few kisses that night and I really liked it. After everything that has been happening, I decided that I wanted to change my appearance. So, the next day Zoe and I went to the mall. I got my hair dyed black and changed my outfit style. That night, Liam texted me saying that we had to go to this movie premiere and there was no way that I could get out of it." I felt bad to interrupt Amanda, but I needed to just to make sure we were on the same page.

"Is that why I saw a picture of you wearing a scandalous outfit?" Amanda sighed, seeming disappointed.

"Yes and I totally regret that. Anyways, next morning, I got a call from Ross. He made me make a deal with him. The deal was that I had to break up with Niall and go and date Ross or else someone would get hurt. To clear my head, I went to the park and met some new friends. Their names are Ellie and Carrie. We hung out the next day, but nothing too eventful or important happened. Finally, I decided to come home. Caspar took me home and nobody was there, which surprised me. Seeing that Liam's room was a mess, I cleaned it for him. And when I say mess, I mean tornado and earthquake mess. He came home and we talked. Eventually we made up, and I told him about the deal with Ross. The plan that we made up was to go along with Ross's deal, but one day I'm going to ask him to go somewhere with me. Liam is going to be waiting there with the cops, and they will arrest him. To do that though, I have to be mean to Niall. I hate doing that. It makes both of us sad. Everyone was over that night, so I went downstairs and surprised them. We all had a group hug and I realized that something was missing. That something was you." By now, both of us started crying. "I just wish you were here. I miss you so much. Everything just seems off without you here. I need you."

"Amanda, I may not be coming back to the house, but I'm still always here. No matter what happens, I'll always be there for you. Did anything else happen?"

"Not really, after we broke from the hug, I came upstairs to my room, then called you."

"I'm so glad that you called. I'm also glad that nothing bad happened, and that everything is falling back into place. When you were running away, why didn't you call me? You could've stayed at my place." Amanda hesitated for a second before responding.

"I didn't know if you would want me to stay because of you and Liam breaking up and you being busy with dance."

"I'm never to busy to be with you. And like I just said, no matter what happens, I will always be there for you."

"Dani, I hate to do this, but the boys are running around looking for me. I have to go."

"It's alright Amanda. Just text me later or call me. We need to plan a day to talk in person."

"Alright will do. Love you Dani!"

"Love you too!" With that, we both hung up. Now back to perfect this dance.

Shorter chapter, I know. I totally forgot about updating and I just typed this at 10:30 the night before. So weeks I'll be right on top of schedule, but others I'll be typing that morning or the evening before, like I am right now. Please let me know what you thought about this chapter.
Word count: 979
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Love you guys 😘 ~ Ry 😜

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