~ Chapter 20 ~ Ellie and Carrie

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~ Chapter 20 ~ Ellie and Carrie
~Ellie's POV ~

"Bye Amanda," I waved as Amanda left the park.

I hate having to fake being nice. Carrie agrees with me too. You may be wondering what Carrie and I mean. Truth is we were sent to be friends with Amanda and turn more into a rebel. Wanna know who sent us? My brother, Ross. Yes shocking I know. Ross is my brother. He wants me to help him with his plan for Amanda. The plan is to have Amanda break up with Niall or have Niall break up with Amanda then go date Ross. We know that Amanda probably won't want to break up with Niall, so this is where Carrie and I come in. We know that Niall doesn't really like Amanda being a rebel, so we have to turn Amanda into one. Easy enough because right now, we are pretty much her only friends. The reason I didn't tell much about my past to Amanda is because I wasn't ready for that question to be asked. Thankfully Ross has helped me with acting to fake that I just don't like talking about my past.

Carrie and I have known each other for years. We are best friends and partners in crime. Literally. The age gap doesn't bother us though. I still find it funny that Amanda didn't recognize me because we knew each other when we were younger. But then again that was before I dyed my hair. Yes, Amanda and I used to be friends, but then she turned it into an all about Amanda show. Wanting to be the center of attention and always crying about how her parents hurt her. A lot of people had it worse than she did. That's part of why I'm in on this deal with Ross. Carrie is helping me because we don't do anything without each other. She doesn't really like Ross, but she wants to see Amanda go down the drain like I do.

When Amanda turns rebel, all the boys won't like her too. Especially Liam. We saw how he reacted just by her outfit and her hair being black. Can you imagine when she goes full on rebel? It will be awesome. I know I sound like a b*tch, but oh well. I kind of am one though. Now I just sit back and watch as Amanda falls for our act.

~ Amanda's POV ~

"I'm back!" I yell into the house. Joe comes running in, hugs me tight, and then pulls back.

"Where have you been? You told Caspar you were not going to be long. Here we are two hours later." Joe looked serious and it was kind of scaring me. But was I going to show that? No way.

"Joe, chill. I'm back now. It's not like I was in danger or anything. I'm perfectly safe and sound. So just lay off." I started to walk down to my room to go sit down there since Joe was being slightly annoying.

"Amanda I was only joking. Is everything okay?" Joe asked concerned.

"Well, everything would be okay if you left me alone."

Why did I just say that? What is wrong with me? I ran down and went into my room. It's that stupid call from Ross. The call has me all stressed out and I can't take it. At least I have two friends to text now. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and texted Carrie.

Hey can we hang out tomorrow? You me and Ellie.

Instantly I got a reply.

Definitely. We loved hanging out today. Wish it could have been longer though.

Texting her back with a smile on my face, I put.

Same here. Next time we have to at least have a few hours.

I decided to stop texting Carrie and try to relax. After a few minutes, I fell asleep.

~ Carrie's POV ~

"Ellie, Ross. Come here." I shouted as I heard the two siblings enter my room.

"What's up?" Ellie asked as she sat down on my bed as I sat at my desk. Ross stayed standing by the door with his arms crossed.

"Amanda texted me. She said, ' Hey can we hang out tomorrow? You me and Ellie.' What do I put?"

"Say something that will make her think you loved hanging out with her and that will make it seem real." Ross spoke.

"How about 'Definitely. We loved hanging out today. Wish it could have been longer though.' That sounds like something new friends would say. Right?" Ellie said. I typed what she said into my phone and sent it.

"So we have to hang out with her more?" I asked.

"Do you want this to work?" Ross replied. I nodded my head looking back at my phone. "Then yes you have to hang out with her." My phone buzzed in my hand and I looked at it reading the message out loud.

" 'Same here. Next time we have to at least have a few hours.' Oh yay." I said sarcastically.

"Well, big day tomorrow. Get to bed because tomorrow we start the plan." Ross spoke seriously as he walked out. Ellie followed him while I went to lay on my bed. What have I gotten myself into?

Plot twist.
Word count: 897
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Love you guys 😘 ~ Ry 😜

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