~ Chapter 18 ~ Rebel

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~ Chapter 18~ Rebel
~Amanda's POV ~

"Amanda are you ready to go?" Zoe asked.

"Yeah, one second," I looked in the mirror one last time at my brown hair. I walked upstairs and saw Zoe waiting by the door. "Let's go," I smiled as we walked out the door. In the car, Zoe started to ask questions.

"What do you mean you want to change your appearance? I love you the way you are now, and so does everyone else."

"I think I just need something different. You changed your hair recently. You chopped almost half of it off."

"True. How are you gonna change your hair? Are you gonna change your wardrobe too?"

"I want to dye it a different color, but I'm not sure. And I think I want to. You know, something more edgy."

We're not at the mall, which has a hair salon in it. When we walked in we went straight to the salon, to get that done first.

"Hi, welcome. What can I help you with today?" A lady sitting at the front of the room asked.

"I would like to dye my hair." I said as Zoe stood next to me.

"Follow me to the back." We followed her and was seated at the very back in a chair in front of a mirror. The lady started playing with my hair, and looking at it. "What color are you thinking of dying it?"


"Black? Are you sure Amanda? This is a big change." Zoe asked worriedly.

"Yes, I'm sure."

"Alright then," the beautician started the process of dying hair.

An hour later I was sitting with my back facing the mirror, as the lady finished up. I was kind of scared to see how it turned out. Will I regret this later? All of the sudden I was turned around and looked in the mirror. I was shocked. I looked so different. But a good different. (picture on side)

"What do you think?" The beautician asked.

"I love it!" I leaned closer to the mirror and looked closely. "Thank you so much."

Zoe and I walked out after paying. We went to a lot of stores and we each bought stuff. I got mostly new shirts and shorts. Zoe got a mix of everything. When we got back to the house, it was 4 at night. Time does really fly by. My phone buzzed in my pocket and I took it out.

You need to get home now. I don't care what you're doing. We have a premier to go to and it was announced a while ago that you would be going. You can't just ditch. If you don't want to come home, then just meet us there. It's at the movie theater in the center of London. Be there by 6. ~ Liam

This is a perfect way to show them my new hair. And I have the perfect outfit to wear. I got dressed and left my hair down. I was wearing a see through black shirt, a bright red bra underneath, and black high waisted shorts. For shoes I decided to wear red vans. (Outfit on side)

"Joe are you doing anything?" I asked walking into his room. He was laying on his bed on his laptop. Usual.

"No do you ne- what are you wearing?"

"Ignore that. Can you drive me to the movie theater? Liam texted me saying I have to be there by 6 for a stupid premiere."

"Yeah. Sure I'll drive you. But isn't Liam going to be pissed about what you're wearing?"

"That's kind of the point, Joseph." I smirked and walked upstairs. Joe following behind me.

"It's 5:50. We should've left a half hour ago."

"Oh well." We got in his car and started driving to the theater. We pulled up and there were people everywhere. "Thanks Joe. I'll have Niall drop me off." I gave him a kiss on the cheek the got out of the car. Ready for chaos?

~ Liam's POV ~

Where is Amanda? She should've been here by now. It's already 6:15 and she's still not here. All of sudden cameras started flashing like crazy at a girl walking down the red carpet. She was wearing this see through top, a red bra, black shorts, and red vans. That outfit is kind of slutty. I don't recognize her. She also has black hair. Soon she started walking away and towards us. No way in hell. That is not Amanda.

"Amanda?" Louis asked running up to her and giving her a hug. "I've missed you."

"I missed you, too." She said. We were all shocked by her appearance. After Amanda gave everyone a hug except me, she stood next to Niall.

"Amanda can I speak to you for a second?" I asked.

"I guess." We walked away from everyone, so they wouldn't be able to hear us.

"What the hell are you wearing? And what happened to your hair? Do you realize what you've done?"

"Yeah I do realize what I've done and it's for the better. I like this,alright. Why does it matter to you?"

"It matters to me because I'm your older brother. And I care about you."

"Bullsh*t." Amanda walked away from me and towards everyone else.

What is going on?

So I picked the contest winner. There were only two entries and I was hoping for a bit more, but oh well. Since both entries were amazing, and I couldn't pick, I picked both! Congratulations to Rebel_Love_pink and Carrie_1993 ! I will be messaging you both later asking you questions and telling you some details. Your characters will probably be in the next chapter. Looking forward to talking with you.

Word count: 969
Remember to:

Love you guys 😘~ Ry 😜

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