~ Chapter 21 ~ Day with the Girls

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~ Chapter 21 ~ Day with the Girks
~ Amanda's POV~

I got up at around 8 to get ready for the day. I didn't hear anyone walking around, so I assume I am the only one up. Well, it is only 8 in the morning and I'm staying with two boys. Why was I shocked at first to hear no one up? You tell me. Today I'm going to hang out with Carrie and Ellie. I feel like I can trust them. They seem different from my friends before, but a good different. A different that will change me, in a good way. For the better, you know. Lately, I have been needing to do something with my life, and maybe these two girls whom I have friended will help me. Maybe the three of us will do something together.

After thinking for a while, I got up to get dressed and ready to leave. We aren't meeting till 10 so I have time. I probably should take a shower before hand too. Thank god I woke up early. I started heading towards the bathroom, but then walked right back to my room realizing I forgot my clothes and phone. Opening my drawers I decided to wear a white crop tank top that had the Starbucks logo in a skeleton, black skinny jeans, red and white Vans, and a red beanie. (Picture on side) That will be good I guess. This time before I left, I grabbed my phone off the charger and walked towards the bathroom.

While I was in the shower, I thought about a lot of things. Like will I ever go back home? What are the boys doing right now? Are Louis and Zayn still fighting? How is Danielle? Is Liam thinking of me? I didn't just think of stuff at home, I also thought about everything. How are the fans reacting to Louis and Zayn? What do they think of me? Do they love or hate me? More thought kept coming. how are Zoe and Alfie? Are they going to come visit again? Are Joe and Caspar getting annoyed with me staying here? Will they kick me out? What will I do if they kick me out? Where will I go? Maybe I go see if I could stay with Carrie or Ellie. I should probably go back home now. It's been awhile. The thing is though, what will they think? It didn't seem like they liked my change. Maybe they don't even want me to live there. Then what would I do? Now I realized that I'm just getting ahead of myself. None of those things will probably happen. Well I hope not.

Once I finished in the shower, I got out and got dressed. Before I put on my beanie, I looked in the mirror to comb my hair. Every time I look into a mirror, I have a mini panic attack about my appearance, forgetting about my hair being black. Part of me regrets doing it, but the other part loves it. I regret it because this means change, but I love it because it means change. Confusing, I know. Change and I have a love hate relationship. When something changes it could be for the better or for the worse. You never know until it happens. By now, my beanie was on and all I needed to do was out on my shoes. I walked back into my room and threw my dirty clothes in the hamper. I saw my Vans in the corner of my room and walked over there. After putting them on, I checked the time on my phone. Only 9:45. Not bad.

Walking out of my room, I saw both if the boys' doors closed meaning they were asleep. Do I text them or leave them notes? Probably leave a note because the text might wake them. Grabbing two Post-Its, I wrote a note to each of them.

I went out with my two friends that I met yesterday. Ellie and Carrie. We will probably me at the mall then we might go for lunch. Depending on the time. I will text you if something happens or when I'm on my way back. Don't worry, I will be back. If you need anything call or text me. Love you!
~ Amanda

I wrote the same note to Caspar, but with his name up top. First, I quietly snuck into Joe's room. Where do I put the note? Where will he see it right away? His phone. I saw his phone on the table beside his bed and stuck the note on the screen. He started to stir and I ran quick, but silently out of his room. Now to Caspar. Good part is, is that he's a heavy sleeper. I put the note on his phone like I did with Joe's. He didn't even move an inch. Sweet! Before I left the house, I texted both Ellie and Carrie that I would meet them at the park.

A few minutes later, I arrived at the park. Immediately, I saw Ellie and Carrie sitting at one if the tables. We were the only ones really here considering it was 10 in the morning on a Saturday.

"Ready to go?" I asked once I got up to them. Both of the girls nodded and we started walking towards a car. The car seemed oddly familiar, but I couldn't remember where I've seen it. Probably around town once or twice. Oh well. "Whose car is this?"

"Oh, it's my brother's. He let us borrow it for the day." Ellie said. I smiled at her as she got into the passenger side and Carrie got into the drivers seat. I assumed I was sitting in the back, so I got in back there. "I hope you don't mind sitting in the back."

"It's fine. So where are we going?" I leaned back into the seat, loving the feeling of the cushy seats.

"To the mall." Carrie said, turning off the street. My phone buzzed and I looked down at it.

Suggy : Just saw your note. Be careful and have fun. But not too much fun.

I laughed and replied with an okay. I locked my phone and put it back into my pocket.

~ Skip 2 hours ~

"I'm starving." I said as we sat down in the food court. We each had about six bags. It's crazy how much time it takes to shop. After we got our food, we started to talk. Suddenly the conversation was turned to about me.

"When are you going to go back home?" Carrie asked.

"How did you-" Ellie cut me off.

"Look, Amanda. We know who you are. You're Amanda Payne. We just didn't want to say anything when we first met you because A) it would've probably creeped you out and B) we figured you didn't want to talk about it."

"But how do you know I'm not staying at home?" I was less confused, but still a bit confused.

"Everyone knows Amanda. Once someone hears something, everyone then knows." Carrie replied. "I think you should go home soon. They all probably miss you and want you back there." I suddenly realized how that statement sounded so true.

"I'll think about it later and then let you know. We should probably get going." The three of us threw out our garbage and grabbed our bags. We got back to the car and they dropped me off.

~ Carrie's POV~

We just dropped Amanda off and I looked towards Ellie.

"You got that whole thing right?" Ellie smirked at me and grabbed out her phone, turning off the recording.

"Oh I got it alright." We both smiled and laughed. This plan is working so far.

Lot longer than usual.Thank you guys so much for all the votes and reads. I couldn't ask for better readers. Hope you liked this chapter. If you did, please comment or message me. Also if you have any ideas or comments about the entire book, don't be afraid to comment or message me. The ideas can be anything like, an outfit for the chapter or the title.
Word Count: 1383
Remember to:
Love you guys ~ Ry

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