~Chapter 14~ Running Away?

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Chapter 14: Running Away?
~Amanda's POV~

I quickly packed a bag with clothes and other necessities I would need. Like my laptop, new headphones from Niall, the books from Harry and Ashley, chargers, deodorant, perfume, shoes, and some money that I had. Once I finished that, I wrote little notes for everyone telling them that I'm okay and I'll be back soon. I heard footsteps coming upstairs so I quickly went out to the balcony in my room and went down a set of stairs. I knew the train station was only a few blocks away, so I'd be fine to walk there. The place I was going had a train station a few blocks from there, too. I only had a small duffle bag which wasn't that heavy. I'm surprised I didn't pack more.

Not even ten minutes later I reached the train station, got my ticket, then waited for the train. By now my phone was blowing up with calls and texts asking where I was. Since I was getting a bit annoyed I turned everyone's texts onto do not disturb mode. When I finished that, my train was there so I got on board. This ride better not be long.

~Niall's POV~

It was a while after Amanda overheard mine and Liam's conversation. I wanted to see if she was okay, so I went up to her room. I'm still shocked that Liam was such an ass. What has gotten into him? I knocked on Amanda's door and waited for a reply. After two minutes of not getting one, I decided to just walk in. She wasn't there. I saw 8 notes on her desk. Each labeled to one of us. Please don't be what I think it is. I opened my letter up and it was what I thought it was.


I'm so sorry to do this to you. Especially after we were having suck a fun morning. I just need to take a break from everything for a while. I'm going to a place I know I'll be safe and a place with people I can trust. You probably don't know this, but ever since we kissed that day, I can't stop thinking about it. I know it's bad because of our age gap and you probably don't feel the same way, but I need to tell you this. Please do not and I repeat, do not tell anyone about the kiss. From now till I tell you that you can. Also, don't try to look for me. I really need some time alone right now. I'll miss you a lot, but please remember that I'm okay and safe. I love you Ni!

"Guys! We got a problem!"

~ Liam's POV ~

"Guys! We got a problem!" I heard Niall yell. It sounded like he was across the hall, which is Amanda's room.

I decided to go walk in there, to see what the problem was. When I walked in I saw Niall sitting on her bed crying with a letter in his hand, seven letters on her desk, and Amanda no where to be found. I swear I saw her laptop on the desk earlier where would've it had gone? And why is is Niall crying?

"Niall, what's wrong? Why are you crying? Where's Amanda?"

"Just read your note," Niall sobbed. Soon I heard six pairs of feet running to the room. I ignored them and opened my letter.


I know we haven't been talking much, but I still wanted to write you a letter. I'm going away for a while and I don't know if or when I'll be back. Just know that I'm okay and I'm safe. If you care that is. Is what you said to me true? Am I really a spoiled brat? I don't really care anymore. Don't try to look for me. I'll be fine. I'm going somewhere where I know the people will look after me, like you were supposed to do.


I looked around the room and saw everyone had read their notes and are crying, too. Oh my god. She's only 13. How can she run away? Niall saw I was done reading me letter and stood up from the bed.

"This is all your fault! If you would've been the big brother you were supposed to be Amanda would be here right now! Even though she said she's fine and safe, how do we know that! She's 13 running around the streets of London! If something happens to her, I'm blaming it on you!" With each sentence Niall got closer to me. Right now, he's right in front of me.

"You don't think I know this already! And why do you care so much about her? Ever since the day we found out about Ross, you two have been awfully close! What's going on with you, huh?" Now is when the pushing started.

"This isn't about me right now! It's about finding Amanda!"

"If she wanted to be found, she would've said where she was!"

"I've had enough of your shit lately!"

Thats when a fight started he pushed me back harder and punched me in the face. I tried to punch back, but I couldn't. The boys tried to pull Niall away,but he was too strong. Soon enough, they got him and held him back. I didn't say anything to anyone and I just walked back to my room. When I got in, I closed the door and chaos started. I started to throw things around my room and punching the walls. After ten minutes I realized what I've done and started crying. I sat down on my bed and just cried. I've turned into a monster? How could this happened? This is all my fault.

~Amanda's POV~

Right now I'm walking to the place where I hope I'll be staying at. It probably would've been smart to call or text them to make sure they're home, but oh well. It's crazy, I haven't been here in over a year, but I still know how to exactly get there. Reaching the apartment building, I walked in and went straight to their floor. Once I got there, I found their room then knocked. I heard yelling inside of who is gonna get the door, which made me laugh. They are still the same. The door opened and both of the boys were standing there looking at me shocked.


Who do you think it's gonna be?
Word count: 1101
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Love you guys 😘 ~ Ry 😜

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