~Chapter 4~ The News

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Chapter 4: The News
#Ross's pov#

I talked to Laura first about Amanda. She was so happy. Ugh I love her so much I just can't explain it. After she did her little happy dance she full on kissed me.Mmm her lips taste like strawberries. Just then we heard cameras flashing. Way to ruin the moment.''Oh no run,'' I whispered to Laura. She pointed to her heels so then I picked her up and ran away. ''Ross what about Amanda Payne?'' One of them asked. ''Truth is I didn't really like her.So Amanda if you're watching this we are done,''I stated clearly and then kissed Laura.

#Amanda's pov#

I walked into the kitchen to see all the lads eyes glued to tv. ''So Amanda if you're watching this we are done.''I heard Ross say then he kissed that bitch Laura. I broke down right there. I ran upstairs and went straight to my room.


Long time no update I have about seven eight chapters to upload but not gonna do them all tonight.

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