~Chapter 19 ~ Old Enemies and New Friends

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~ Chapter 19 ~ Old Enemies and New Friends
~Amanda's POV ~

"Amanda, wake up Alfie and I are leaving in ten minutes." I felt Zoe shaking me. I got up and looked at Zoe.

"Why do you have to go back to Brighton?" I asked upset. Zoe is like a sister to me. I need her right now,especially with everything going on. Zoe laughed and walked out of the room, following her.

"Because. We have to go take care of Nila and get work done at home."

"I guess I'll have to let you go then. Wait. Who's been taking care of Nila?"

"Naomi and Marcus have been watching her for us."

We got upstairs and I saw Alfie saying goodbye to Joe and Caspar. Alfie finished and Zoe went over there. A few seconds later I was wrapped in a hug.

"Bye Alfie." I sighed into the hug wrapping my arms around him tighter. Alfie tried to pull away, but my grip was too tight. He started to laugh, and eventually I did too.

"Amanda, you're gonna have to let go of me."

"No I don't."

"You kind of do considering our train leaves in about 15 minutes." I let go of him and he pulled away. I looked down at the ground a bit embarrassed. Alfie made me look up at him. He leaned down and whispered in my ear. "Don't be too much of a problem for them please. Also try to go back home, I know they all miss you loads."

"I'll try," I said pulling away, but going back and giving him another hug. After, I looked over at Zoe who was walking towards me. I ran over and wrapped her in a big hug. "I'll miss you," I told her, starting to tear up.

"I'll miss you too. Remember to call me and talk to me almost everyday okay?" She pulled away and wiped a tear coming from my eye. "Everything will be okay, Amanda." I nodded a hugged her once more. Alfie and Zoe walked out the door and got into a taxi that would take them to the train.

I turned to Joe and Caspar who were looking at me weirdly. "What?"

"We have the house to ourselves again!" Caspar yelled.

"Geez, Casp. That wasn't necessary." I complained rubbing my ears.

"It kind of was," he replied going to sit down on the couch.

I went back downstairs to my room to get ready for the day. Opening the drawers, which I have partly filled. Most of it was the clothes that Zoe and I bought yesterday. I grabbed a black tank top that said 'Give sarcasm a chance' and black high waisted shorts. I changed quickly and when I was fixing my hair, my phone started ringing. I grabbed it and answered without looking.

"Hey babe," A not so familiar voice said.

"I'm sorry, I think you have the wrong number." I said about to hang up.

"Amanda, no I don't. I know that I have the right number." Now the voice started to sound familiar. And all at once memories rushed through my head.

"Ross. Why the hell are you calling me?" I asked angrily.

"Listen babe, I just want to talk."

"First off, don't call me babe, and second off what do you want to talk about? You trying to kill me, and I can't even really talk to my brother now because of that. Or about revealing my secrets to the world."

"I didn't want all that to happen. But you gave me no choice."

"Get on with it, I have stuff to do."

"So I know that you and Niall have been getting awfully close lately. I don't like it. Now, if you say what I do, no one gets hurt. If you don't do what I say, someone gets hurt. I want you to break up with Niall, then come back to me. Make him feel the pain you left me with."

"You didn't even love me back then, why do you want me now."

"I realized that Laura is just a sl*t looking for fame. So, are you gonna do it?"

"No way."

"Remember what I said. Someone will get hurt. First I'll go after Niall or Liam then you. So I'm gonna ask one more time, are you in?" I stayed silent hesitating on what to do. "I'll give you 48 hours to choose. If I don't hear back from you in that time, I'll go after someone." With that he hung up the phone before I could even reply. What the hell just happened?

I walked upstairs and Caspar was by his computer and Joe was nowhere to be seen. "Casp?"

"Yeah?" He asked glancing towards me.

"I'm going on a walk for a bit. If I'm not back in two hours call me."

"Okay, be careful."

"Will do."

I put on my black vans then walked outside. I just decided to go towards the park because I know where that is, and I won't get lost.

When I was halfway there, I heard two girls laughing towards the beginning of the alley. I glanced towards them and saw a girl who looked around 17 and one who looked around 14. As I got closer, I could see more details of them. The girl who was around 17 had black and teal hair, snake bites, a nose piercing, and a belly button ring, which I could see because of her wearing a crop top. The other girl who was around 14 had sky blue hair, a nose stud, and her earrings pierced. They started walking towards me and I looked away from them. The younger girl came up to me and put out her hand.

"I'm Isabelle, but everyone calls me Ellie." I shook her hand and smiled at her.

"I'm Amanda."

"This is my friend, Carrie," she said pointing towards the other girl.

"You look like you could fit in with us, so do you want to come to the park with us and get to know each other." Carrie spoke up.

"I was actually just heading there, so why not."

At the park, I got to know a lot about the girls. Carrie loves to dance, listen to music, and the outdoors. Ellie and I didn't really talk much though. At first she was the one who seemed the outgoing one, but she's actually the shy one. Carrie was like that, but opposite. In return, I told them about myself, but not a lot. I just can't go throwing that stuff around. It doesn't even seem like few minutes later, but my phone is ringing. Before answering this time, I look at the contact and saw it was Caspar calling me. Or as my phone says, C Dog 🇿🇦.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey, it's been two hours and you're not home yet. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. It didn't seem like two hours though. I. Met some new friends and I guess we lost track of time. I'll be home in 10."

"Alright, see you in a few." We hung up and I turned towards Ellie and Carrie.

"Put your numbers in my phone so I can text you when I'm free." They nodded and Carrie grabbed my phone first, after Ellie put in hers. "I got to get going home, but I'll text you guys later tonight." I gave them each hugs and walked off. Maybe these two girls can help me become myself again. Or the opposite.

Longer chapter! The new characters are in there Carrie_1993 plays Carrie and Rebel_Love_pink plays Ellie. What do you guys think of Ross coming back? Hope you enjoyed this chapter.
Word count: 1301
Remember to:

Love you guys 😘 ~ Ry 😜

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