~ Chapter 23 ~ Regrets

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~ Chapter 23 ~ Regrets

~ Amanda's POV ~

Walking into the house, I heard nothing. Complete silence. This is weird because usually the house is too loud. What happened while I was away? Is anyone even home right now? I swear I saw Niall and Harry's cars outside in the driveway.

"Guys? I'm home!" I yelled through the house. Still nothing but silence.

I don't know whether to be scared or happy that for once, there is silence. Since I still heard nothing, I decided to go on a search for them throughout the house. I have checked every room except Liam's. So far, no body is here. It doesn't even look like anyone has been here for a day or so. Slowly, I opened the door to Liam's room. The first thing I saw was a mess. If that wasn't the first thing I saw when I walked into the room, I'm blind. It looked like a tornado went through here. Clothes were laying all over the floor, picture frames that were once on his dressers were tipped over, bed was unmade, and I think I saw a half eaten sandwich on his bedside table.

The least I could do right now is to clean his room. Maybe he can come home to two surprises. One being a clean room, and two being me here. Well, I don't know if he will actually like the second surprise. Before I did anything, I went downstairs into the kitchen and grabbed some garbage bags. When I got back upstairs, I looked around the room, trying to figure out where to start. Best idea would be to make the bed, then put away the clothes, then straighten up everything else.

After clearing off some of the clothes that were on and by the bed, I started to make the bed like Liam taught me. I remember when I was little, Liam would always help me make my bed. We would always get sidetracked though because we would play the sheet game. You know, someone lays on the bed and the other person keeps lifting and moving the bed sheet up and down. Maybe you don't know. Oh well. Once the bed was made, I walked around the room and started throwing all of his clothes into a big pile. I turned around after all the clothes were in the pile, and it looked like a giant mountain. This might take a while. Hopefully, Liam doesn't come home while I'm in the middle of doing this. I started to go through the pile and put everything into their own little piles which were now folded. After putting those away in the closet and dressers, I checked the time. It was already 12. Where in the world could they be?

The room started to feel hot, so I decided to go change into more casual and comfortable clothing. When I walked into my room, it seemed like I couldn't remember how it looked. Something felt different. Maybe it's from staying in a different room and house for a while. Who knows. I opened up my dresser with my workout clothes and saw a black Nike sports bra and black Nike spandex. Both had Nike written in bold, white letters. ( Outfit on side.) Once I finished, I walked back into Liam's room. Firstly, I plugged my phone into his speaker. Then I went to my music and hit shuffle. The first song to come on was Talking Body by Tove Lo. I started to pick some stuff up off of the floor and put them back where they belong. By the time I finished that, a new song came on. This time, the song was See You Again by Wiz Khalifa. I just finished picking everything off the floor, so I decided to move to the picture frames that were tipped over.

The picture frames that were on his dressers were just of Liam and the boys and some of Liam with some friends and family from back home. I thought I was done, but I turned around and saw that there were two more on his bedside table. The first one I flipped up was a picture of Liam and Danielle kissing on their anniversary. I remember taking that picture because I thought it was such a cute moment. I took it with perfect timing too. The glass from the frame was cracked and had scratches on it. The picture itself was halfway out of the frame and one of the corners was ripped off. Liam probably didn't want this anymore because of their break up, so that is probably why it was ripped and broken. I didn't want to just get rid of the picture, so I ran into my room and put it in there.

When I came back, there was still the other picture frame tipped over. Picking it up, I looked at it closely. The picture that was in the frame made me happy and sad at the same time. It was a picture of me on Liam's back when we were on the beach. Both of us were smiling and laughing. I miss when we were able to do this. Just relax with no stress or anything. Then a thought came to me. Am I the reason all of this has happened? I have to be. Before I started getting into trouble, everything was perfect, like in the picture. When that all happened, Danielle and Liam broke up, Zayn left the band, Louis and Zayn started fighting, I ran away, Niall and Liam started fighting, and probably more that I don't know about. This is when the tears started. Since I was crying and the music was still playing, I didn't hear the front door close and Liam's bedroom door open.

"Amanda? Why are you crying? What's going on?" A familiar voice asked. Looking up, I saw Liam standing in his doorway worried. I didn't say anything. All I did was look down and start crying even more. "Amanda? Please tell me."

"It's all my fault." I said in between sobs. I felt the bed dip and Liam pulled me close to him.

"Nothing is your fault Amanda. What do you think is your fault? Because it definitely isn't." Why is Liam being so nice to me? He should hate me.

"Everything. You and Danielle breaking up, Zayn leaving the band, Louis and Zayn fighting, you and Niall fighting, and more. It's all my fault." Liam put his hand under my chin, and made me look up at him.

"Amanda believe me when I say this, nothing is your fault. Everything happens for a reason and you didn't cause it to happen." In a few minutes I stopped crying and hugged Liam tight.

"I'm sorry for leaving and all the trouble I've caused. I didn't mean any of it. Please forgive me." I asked.

"I should be the one asking for forgiveness. How about this, we just forgive each other then forget it ever happened. Does that sound alright?"

"It sounds alright with me." Both of us laughed then I remembered something that made tears come to my eyes again. "Liam, I regret doing something that happened while I was away."

"Amanda if it's about your hair or outfit choices, it's fine we can just dye your hair brown again or buy you new clothes. It's totally okay." Liam said while rubbing my back.

"No, it's not about that. So one day I was getting ready to go out with some of my new friends that I made, when I got a phone call. Turns out, it was Ross and we ended up making a deal." Liam started to look worried.

"What was the deal Amanda?"

"The deal was, that I have to break up with Niall then go back out with Ross, or else he would hurt someone. I regret it so much, but I had no choice." I started to cry a little again, but Liam wiped away my tears.

"As much as I don't want you and Niall dating, I would rather have you date him than Ross." It got quiet for a few minutes, until Liam spoke again.

"I have a plan that might work."

Liam and Amanda are all good now 😊.

Word Count: 1399
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Love you guys 😘 ~ Ry 😜

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