~Chapter 6~ What

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Chapter 6: What
#Niall's POV#

I couldn't help it, I just kissed her. Into the kiss I felt Amanda kiss back and wrap her arms around my neck. I smiled and pulled back. She went to go kiss me again, but saw Liam walk in the room. ''Hey what ya guys talkin' about?" He asked. ''Um nothing much just the usual Niall and Amanda talk. Ya know 'bout high tops, food, and video games.'' Amanda played it off cool and I just nodded in agreement to play along. Liam was about to say something but got cut off by the TV. '' This just in we have Ross Lynch here with us to talk about the break-up between him and Amanda Payne.'' The broadcaster said. Please don't be about what I think it is. All of us looked towards the TV and a worried look came across Amanda's face.

''So Ross what do you have to say about Amanda Payne?'' The interviewer asked. ''Well I have something to tell the world about Amanda that I bet her brother doesn't even know.'' Ross replied smiling at the camera mischievously. ''And what is that special something?'' The annoying interviewer asked ready to know. This cannot be good.

#Amanda's POV#

''She sings. Y ep you heard right Amanda Payne sings.'' I felt all eyes on me. I tried to run upstairs but Liam grabbed my arm. ''Why didn't you tell me" he asked kind of angry but also a bit happy, ''I can't tell you, You wouldn't understand'' I said tears started to well up in my eyes. I got out of Liam's grip and bolted upstairs. 'He can't find out why I didn't tell him, he would be devestated. I don't want even more attention on me then there already is. He can't find out not now atleast. Why did I ever trust Ross?'' All these thought ran threw my head.

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