~ Chapter 24 ~ Hurting

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Picture is of Danielle, you will see why later in the chapter.

~Chapter 24 ~ Hurting

~ Niall's POV ~

When I came home, I heard two voices talking. One sounded familiar and one sounded kind of distant. Distant as I haven't heard in a while. There were no other voices beside the two. Walking upstairs, I saw that Liam's bedroom door was cracked open. Peeking in, there were two people say on the bed talking. One obviously Liam, and the other was a girl who had black hair. Wait a minute. Amanda dyed her hair black a while ago. But it can't be. Why is she back? Without knocking, I barged into the room.

"Amanda what are you doing back?" I asked going and trying to hug her. But for some odd reason, she pushed me away.

"Get away from me, Niall." Amanda said with a bit of attitude.

"Amanda! Watch your tone, especially with Niall!" Liam yelled at Amanda.

"Oh my god! I finally decide to come home and all I do is get yelled at." Amanda angrily stormed out of Liam's room into hers, slamming her door once she was in.

I decided to go see what was going on with Amanda. Walking over to her room, I started thinking. Are Amanda and Liam okay now? Why was she mad? Is she really staying this time? What happened while Amanda was away? Does she know about Louis and Zayn fighting and hardly talking? I stood at her door for a few minutes before knocking. Amanda opened the door with a half smile on her face, but that went away when she recognized it was me.

"I thought I told you to go away Niall." She crossed her arms and leaned on the wood of the doorway.

"Amanda? What the hell is going on? Why are you being rude? I thought we were dating or had something going on. Why do you want me to go away? Did something happen?" I tried to ask more questions, but Amanda cut me off.

"I don't need to give you an explanation. Just leave me alone!" Amanda slammed the door in my face and I just stood there, not knowing what to do.

I walked away and went to my room. I thought we had something going, but I guess not.

~ Amanda's POV ~

Since Niall's room is next to mine, I heard him sniffling and crying. I hate to do this to him, but I have to. I don't want anyone to get hurt. This is also part of Liam and I's plan. The plan is to go along with Ross's deal, but one day I'm going to ask him to go somewhere with me. Liam is going to be waiting there with the cops, and they will arrest Ross. I've finally had enough of him messing with my family and I. We would just go to the police now, but we don't have actual evidence. Yes, we have Liam and I telling them everything, but who knows if they'll believe us. They might just think we are trying to get revenge on Ross for cheating on me and spreading my secret to the world.

I started to straighten up my room and put my stuff that I had with me away. Halfway through, my phone buzzed signaling a text. Walking over to it, I saw it was from Ellie.

Hey, want to go to the mall today?

I started to think of whether I wanted to or not. I decided not to because I think it'd be nice to catch up with everyone and finally just relax in my own home.

Sorry I can't because I came home today and I'm going to spend some time with everyone and just relax for a bit.

Quickly, she replied with an okay, and I left it at that. When I finished up in my room, I walked downstairs and heard many, many familiar voices. They seemed to me coming from the living room, so that's where I went. I'm guessing Niall and Liam didn't tell anyone yet, so I decided to scare the rest of them. The question is how though. I saw the TV remote laying on the armrest of one couch, so I grabbed it without anyone noticing. Suddenly, I started flipping through all of the channels and then turned it so it was all static. Everyone started searching for the remote and looking around the room. When no one was looking, I went and stood in front of the TV.

"Surprise!" I yelled everyone turned and faced me with a look of confusion on their faces, but then it turned to happiness.

I was wrapped in a giant group hug, like how it used to be. Something wasn't the same though because we were missing someone. That someone was Danielle. Everyone else was here, but here. By everyone, I mean, Harry, Louis, Zayn, Liam, Niall, Perrie, Eleanor, and Ashley. Yes, I know that Danielle and Liam broke up, but she's still a part of the family. I miss her a lot, and I wish they were still together. Dani always made Liam so happy. Whenever he was upset, she always brightened his day. She did that with everyone. I remember when I first came to live here and I was still upset about my parents. This was also one of the first times I met Dani. I was in my room crying about everything that happened, when a stranger (at the time) came into my room. She came and sat next to me and wrapped me in a hug. Her words are still fresh in my mind.

"I know you might be sad right now, but living with your brother will be so much better. By the way, I'm Danielle, Liam's girlfriend."

I will never forget that day. I pulled away from the hug and looked at everyone.

"I'd love to stay and chat for a while, but I forgot I had to call someone. I'll be right back down though, don't worry."

I ran upstairs and into my room, locking the door behind me. I grabbed my phone and dialed a number that I knew by heart. Within a few rings, the person picked up.

"Dani? Can we talk?"

Hope you guys like this chapter. I hate typing about Niall being upset because it makes me upset. I have some things planned for this book and I can't wait for you guys to see/ read. If you didn't check out the picture yet, that is Danielle, but most of you probably already know that. She is literally queen 😍.

Word count: 1122
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Love you guys 😘 ~ Ry 😜

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