~Chapter 3~ The Game

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Chapter 3: The Game

''What are you guys doing?'' Harry asked confused. '' A basketball game,'' Niall and I said in usion. ''Weird, but for what?'' Zayn asked excited. ''A bet'' Niall said smirking. I kicked him in the leg under the counter so the boys didnt see. His smirk faded once I kicked him. ''OOOOO can u tell us?'' Louis asked jumping up and down in his seat. This is another reason why I love him. '' Not yet,'' I sighed smirking. ''See you later losers!'' I screamed running out the door. ''LEGOOOO'' Niall screamed running after me.

We were walking to the court when I heard a familiar voice. I turned around to see my oh so wonderful american boyfriend who I love so much. ''Hey babe,'' Ross said kissing me. Out of the corner of my eye I swear I saw Niall rolling his eyes. I wonder whats up with him. ''What are you guys doing? Out here? Alone?'' Ross asked putting his arm around my waist tight. And my little leperchaun didn't have to tell Ross the whole bet. But he did. '' I didn't know you sing babe,'' Ross said looking at me angry and annoyed. Is there something in the air that is making the only to blond boys I know acting so weird? All a sudden Ross's phone went off. ''Hello? Yeah? Alright I'm on my way. ''Later babe,'' Ross said kissing my cheek. ''Bye love you'' He then ran off without repling. Weird. ''Ready?'' Niall asked. ''So''

~ 30 MINS ~

''Get your wallet out Ni. You decide when we be goin'' He groaned once I finished my little victory dance.


I can't wait to tell paps that Amanda sings. I'm only dating her for publicity. Me and Laura are secretly dating.

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