~Chapter 16~ Telling the Truth

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Chapter 16: Telling the Truth
~Amanda's POV ~

Waking up the next morning, I was startled to see I wasn't in my room. Then I remembered all the past events and became a bit upset. I smelled someone cooking so I decided to go see who and what it was. When I got up there, I saw Caspar and Joe sitting at the stools by the island and then someone's back was turned to me, cooking breakfast. I walked over to where Joe and Caspar were and the mysterious person turned around.

"Alfie!" I ran up to him and gave him a hug. "What are you doing here? Where's Zoe?"

"Is Zoe the only one out of the two of us you like?" Alfie asked laughing.

"Maybe," I smiled and laughed too.

"Is that little miss Amanda Payne I hear?" Turning around, I saw Zoe coming up the stairs. She ran up to me and gave me a hug. "It's been so long since I've seen you." (Picture of Zoe and Alfie on side)

"What are you doing here in London?" I asked as we all sat down at the table eating breakfast that Alfie cooked. "By the way, Alfie, this food is really good."

"We decided to visit for a while. And thank you very much." Alfie smiled than laughed. My phone started to ring from my pocket. I grabbed it out and looked at the contact name.

Ni 🇮🇪

"Excuse me real quick," I said standing up and walking downstairs into the guest room. "Hello?"

"Oh my god, Amanda where the hell are you? Please tell me. I know you don't want to, but please. I promise you, I won't tell anyone else."

"Look, Niall, calm down first. I'm okay please trust me. Maybe in a few days or maybe even tomorrow I'll tell you where I am, but for now I'll tell you I'm at someone's house, but I'm still in London."

"Okay. I'm glad you're safe. And it's good to know you're still in London."
After a few moments of silence I decided to speak up.

"How is everyone?"

"Everyone is taking it differently. Liam and I fought. They all told me to give up for a while on trying to find or talk to you, but I told them no. "

"I'm glad you didn't give up," I smiled and blushed. I started hearing yelling in the background of his phone. Sounded like Louis. "I'll let you go deal with that, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. I miss you and everyone. Love you guys. " I decided to hang up before he could say anything. Save me the trouble of both of us getting upset. I heard a knock on my door so I yelled a come in.

"How are you?" The only other girl in the house said.

"To be fully honest with you Zoe, I don't even know," I sat down on the bed and Zoe sat next to me.

"Wanna talk about it?" So that is when our hour or two long conversation started. We talked about what's been going on in both of our lives,living with Joe and Caspar, Liam, and Niall. "Are you gonna tell Niall where you are?"

"I think I will tomorrow. When I was on the phone with him, he seemed really worried even though I told him I'm safe."

"It seems like he really loves you," Zoe laughed.

"Yeah. I've realized that. We should probably go back upstairs to see what the boys are doing." She nodded and we began to walk up the stairs. "How long are you guys staying in London?"

"Alfie and I will probably go back to Brighton sometime tomorrow night." When we got upstairs, we saw all the boys playing video games on the TV.

"Some things never change." I sat on the couch next to Caspar, who wasn't playing at the time, and Zoe sat next to Alfie. The rest of our night was spent playing video games and watching movies.

~ Next Day ~

It's now 11 in the morning and I'm already dressed and showered. I don't know if anyone else is up, so I decided to stay in my room. Maybe I should give Niall a call. Usually he is the only one up right now. After dialing his number, he picked up the phone not even two seconds later.

"Amanda? Is everything okay?"

"Niall, I'm fine. Are you alone right now?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I'm going to tell you where I am, but you can't tell anyone, especially Liam."

"Okay, I promise. I won't tell anyone. Now where are you?"

"Remember that one time we were walking around in Brighton and we met Zoe, Alfie, Caspar, and Joe?"

"Yes, Amanda, I do. But what does that have to do with where you are?"

"Well, I'm staying at Joe and Caspar's house," I said quickly, worried what his reaction would be.

"Really?" Niall asked unsure.

"Yes. I'm 100% positive."

"Okay. Now since I know that you're safe,Amanda, how about you and I go out for dinner tonight to celebrate." Wow I thought he was gonna freak out or yell at me.

"What time?"

"7. I'll pick you up, just text me the address. I got to go, someone's knocking on my door." Without him saying goodbye, he hung up quickly. I get why though, but still. Waiting a little bit, I then texted him the address.

"Zoe! I need your help later!"

~Liam's POV ~

I was walking past Niall's room and heard him talking on the phone.

"Okay. Now since I know that you're safe,Amanda, how about you and I go out for dinner tonight to celebrate."

He's talking to Amanda? Well, I guess it won't hurt to follow him then.

Word count: 984
Remember to:

Love you guys 😘 ~ Ry 😜

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