~ Chapter 30 ~ Everyone Knows

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~Chapter 30 ~ Everyone Knows
~ Amanda's POV ~

When I woke up, I didn't know what just happened. I opened my eyes, and saw all of the boys, their girlfriends, Caspar, Zoe, Alfie, Joe, and Danielle. What's going on? I tried sitting fully up, but I groaned in pain and everyone's attention turned towards me.

"Amanda! You're up! Harry go get the nurse!" Liam yelled. He wrapped me in a hug then started crying.

A few minutes later, Harry came back in the room with a few nurses and doctors.

"What's going on? What happened to me?"  I asked as they started taking vitals.

"Do you remember anything that happened?" The head nurse asked.

"I remember meeting with Ross. He took me to the side of a building and if I didn't do what he said, he would stab me. He made me kiss him, then Carrie and Ellie came out. Ellie was Ross's sister. The rest is slightly fuzzy." Everyone stared at me as I talked.

"We didn't think you would make it actually. The knife very deep and you were loosing blood fast." I was so shocked. They didn't think I'd make it.

After a while of talking with everyone, I wanted to talk to Liam. I looked up at everyone then spoke.

"Can I talk to Liam alone please?" Everyone nodded and said yes, then left the room. Except for Liam. "How'd you get there so fast? You didn't know where I was."

"When you grabbed you phone and walked out of the room, I saw that it was Ross calling. I figured something would be up, so I followed you. When I saw him with the knife, that's when I called the police. Good part is, is that that all three of them are in jail. You're safe now." After all this time, Ross is finally in jail. He can't hurt anyone anymore.

"Thank you so much. I don't know what I would do without you. I'm so sorry for everything I did. I shouldn't have run away or changed, I shouldn't have been dating Niall behind your back, and I shouldn't have kept anything from you. I'm so sorry." Liam say next to me on the hospital bed, and wrapped his arm around me. I started to cry on his shoulder and he held me and comforted me.

"I should be the one apologizing. Everything that happened, leads back to me." He sighed.

"No. Everything leads back to Ross." Both of laughed a little bit and he wiped my tears. "I don't know why I ever got involved with him.Can you go grab Niall for me? I think I need to talk to him about stuff."

"I'll send him in. I'm glad you're okay Amanda."

Liam kissed me on the forehead then walked out of the room. A few minutes later , Niall came in and sat in the same spot Liam previously was in. We just started talking about random things, until a thought came into my mind.

"Niall?" I asked, cutting him off from what he was saying.

"Is everything alright?" He must've noticed my change in moods, because he started playing with my hair. Ni always does that when he realizes that I'm upset or worried.

"I just want to know, what are we exactly?"

"What do you mean Manda?"

"Like, are we dating or what?"

"I'd love to date you, but would you like to date me?"

"Of course I would Niall."

I smiled at him and he put his hands on the sides of my head. I put mine around his neck and we both started leaning in. And then, we kissed each other. Niall's kisses, I can't explain. They make me feel happy and excited. He gives me that tingly feeling, that you can only experience with certain people. When we kiss, I feel a spark. Cliche I know, but I do. Midway through our kiss, the door burst open, and everybody walked back in.

"It's about time you guys started dating!" Perrie shouted. She made all of us laugh and everyone started congratulating Niall and I.

This is how my life should've been from the start. If I would've listened to everyone telling me not to date Ross, none of this would've happened. But then again, if none of this happened, I wouldn't be sitting here with all of my friends. I may not be dating Niall. I wouldn't have started my YouTube channel. I probably wouldn't be talking with Joe, Caspar, Alfie, and Zoe as much as I do now. And I wouldn't be the person I am today. I hate saying this, but Ross actual made me a better person. I know sometimes with everything he did, I was an emotional mess, but he made me stronger than I'll ever be.

I guess this is it. So, that's my life as being the Little Payne.

That's the end 😭. I can't believe that I've been writing this book for over a year now. I still can't believe that Little Payne has over 13K reads. That's crazy. I wouldn't have been able to do this without everyone's support. I really hoped you liked this book. You're probably wondering if I'm going to be doing a sequel, but I'm sadly not. That's because I'm start to write another book and I already have another one out. Writing this and my other book, That Girl, was hard enough, so I don't want to try writing three books, then failing at it. I just want to say thank you guys so much.
Word count: 950
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Love you guys 😘 ~ Ry 😜

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