~ Chapter 29~ Caught

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Important note at end please read and give me feedback.

~ Chapter 29 ~ Caught
~ Amanda's POV ~

Ever since last night, all of my social media is blowing up. Everyone seems to love the song. Now I know why the boys keep doing what they do. I love this feeling I'm getting. Caspar went home late last night then I crashed. Walking downstairs in the morning, all the boys were sitting in the kitchen. As soon as I walked in, they all cheered. I was confused as to why, but then Harry started shouting.

"We love the song so much! We're so happy for you!" I laughed at him then grabbed some cereal and a bowl from the cabinet.

While I was eating, we started catching up on what's been going on lately. I miss times like this. It never really happens much anymore since they are busy and Zayn is always running off with Naughty Boy. I hate him so much. Naughty Boy, not Zayn. When it got silent my phone started ringing. I saw the contact was Ross, so I walked out of the room to answer it.

"What?" I asked bitterly.

"Meet me at the coffee shop a block from your house in ten minutes." He said not even saying hello.

"Why should I?"

"Remember our deal, you do whatever I say, or someone gets hurt."

"Alright fine I'll be there." I sigh.

"If you are a minute late, you don't want to know what will happen." With that he hung up. I walked back into the kitchen, and only Niall was there.

"I'll be back later." I told him, kissed his cheek then walked out, heading towards the coffee shop. What is Ross planning?

On my way to the coffee shop, I realized that I have two more minutes to get there. From where I was standing, I saw the coffee shop, so I ran. When I reached it, Ross was sitting at a table in the far corner, with sunglasses on. I went and sat across from him and his head popped up.

"Cutting it close Amanda." I did not miss him.

"Cut the crap, what do you want?" I asked while leaning back in my chair.

"Let's go take a walk shall we?" He stood up and reached to grab my hand. We walked two blocks before Ross pulled me to the side of a building.

"Tell me what's going on." I demanded.

"But that would take all the fun out of this. I'll tell you, but you just have to do what I say. Now put your back against the wall."

I put my back up against the wall and crossed my arms. Ross came and stood very close in front of me. While I was trying to figure out what he was planning, I felt something like my side, very lightly. I looked down and saw a knife there.

"Now, we are going to make this quick and if you don't follow what I say, the knife goes straight into your side. Put your arms around my neck."

I did what he said too afraid of what would happen if I didn't. Ross put both his hands on my waist getting closer to me, while keeping the knife on my side. Ross leaned in to kiss me. I tried pulling away, but he just poked me with the knife. I closed my eyes right and just let him kiss me. Why is this happening? He kissed me for a few minutes before he pulled away.

"Thanks for that, now that I have what I want, I just have to make my life a little better. Girls, come out here!"

I flinched when he yelled, but then I looked at where I heard two pairs of feet walking our way. At first I couldn't see who it was, but then I saw bright teal hair on both girls. The girls came closer and I recognized who they were. Ellie and Carrie. Both of them were smirking and laughing at me.

"Amanda long time no see." Ellie said.

"Well, long time since you haven't seen us, we've been seeing you plenty of times." Carrie spoke.

"What are you guys doing here? What do you mean you've been seeing me plenty of times?"

"Amanda, I would like you to meet, my sister, Ellie and our best friend Carrie. They've been helping me this whole time."

"So you're saying everything that happened between us was fake?" My eyes started to fill with tears. This couldn't be real. Someone wake me up from this nightmare.

"Of course it was fake. Who would want to be friends with you?" Carrie laughed.

"Just get this over with Ross." Ellie said, rolling her eyes.

All of a sudden, the knife dug right into my side. Ross let go of my waist and I fell to the floor. All three of them laughed and started walking away.my vision was starting to get blurry and I was having trouble hearing and breathing. I think I heard sirens going off. Multiple ones at that. I heard yelling. Some sounded of people yelling 'Let me go' or 'You can't do this to us'. Doors slammed and cars drove off. Four people ran over to me, they flipped me onto my back. One grabbed my hand, and I felt a familiar touch. I tried opening my eyes all the way, to see who it was, but I couldn't. I saw someone and it looked to be Liam holding my hand. He was crying and screaming, but it seemed to be only whispers. The other three people were paramedics, in guessing. I was placing on a gurney then rolled off to an ambulance. Once I was in the ambulance, an oxygen mask was placed on my face. One paramedic got up front and started driving. The other two stayed in the back with me. Liam was there, too. He never once let go of my hand.

"Amanda you're going to be okay. Please just try and stay awake."

I tried my best to keep my eyes open, but I couldn't. Liam's word started to get quieter and quieter. I started seeing black spots and all at once, my vision went to all black.

This story is coming to an end. Would you like a sequel? Please let me know, because that depends on how I end the book.
Word count: 1085
Please remember to:

Love you guys 😘 ~ Ry 😜

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