Chapter 1

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She ran through the dark corridors towards the faint light the door opened and she felt the dash of cold air on her face. she needed to adjust her gaze to the moonlit grounds she need a plan to escape.

"Babe wakeup! wakeup!", Shruthi woke up to the sound of worried Ridhi

"hey," she said hugging shruthi "same nightmare?" Shruthi nodded who was drenched in sweat

"You need to see a psychiatrist, for the past one year you can't sleep; if you sleep you have the same nightmare again & again", Shruthi followed Ridhi with her eyes, she was advicing her and getting ready for her morning duty.

Ridhi combed her straight long hair and rolled it into a bun and secured it with a rubber band and pinned the extra hairs with pins. Her chubby fair skinned cheeks were red with anger and concern for her friend. "You lady are a surgeon and sleep is important for you. I don't want any doctors that I have personally vouched for nodding off during a surgery. Are you even listening?" Ridhi sighed at the unresponsive Shruthi.

"Sir! Yes Sir!" Shruthi saluted "loud & clear Sir", she laughed

"Shru", Ridhi sat next to her "I'm serious" She said

"Ri don't worry I will get myself checked I promise", Shruthi assured her friend

"So can I book an appointment for you with our hospital psychiatrist?" she asked

"so that all the doctors can laugh at me after he analysis me; no thank you", Shruthi Got up to brush her teeth "I'm still a surgical resident here, I will go visit someone else I promise. Now go, the whole hospital depends on you Ri" she pushed Ri out of the room.

"Oh yeah what will the great MMSH do without this receptionist? Its your Off today Shru better go get yourself checked" Ri once again stressed.

"Fine", Shru was clearly annoyed

their Cellphones chimed indicating an notification

The silent Hostel was now a buzz. Shru watched People shouting about the updates and people betting on which doctor would be exposed for their malpractice.

Ri shook her head and walked passed the buzzing corridor. Shru watched how even girls envied Ridhi's beauty. Ri had a flawless fair skin, her height complementing her slightly over weight physic. Her kajaled big round eyes is said to have attracted patients to the hospital to meet her than the doctors. She knew how to keep a prying male at an arms distance.

Shru & Ri were friends since school. Shru always felt lucky to have Ri by her side who got her the resident position at The MIRACLE MULTI SPECIALTY HOSPITAL.

Doctors never mixed with the receptionist or nurses at the MMSH there was a hierarchy of order even in the accommodation, But Shruthi made an exception she choose to stay with Ri and mingled with all non medics and nurses equally. So she was considered by many doctors as a nurse than a surgical resident.

Shru read the Witch doctor news.
The Witch doctor was a website that exposed the malpractice of Doctors of various hospitals. It was a hit among the nurses and other staffs of The MMSH. Their Cheif doctor Prashanth the son of the man who owned the hospital was nicknamed the RICH DOCTOR and he was frequently roasted for being spoilt and his philandering ways with the staffs.

Shruthi placed a Bet in the MMSH chat site and checked her calendar. SHE was invited to a baby shower of a former patient and there was a bridal shower for one of the nurse at The Cube a 3 star Pub. She needed a break from her routine maybe a beer will help her calm her nerves she thought.

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