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Dr.Malathy was going through the list of names Rishi had submitted. Sk wanted to know her opinion

"You letting go of Rishi after all this is over?" She asked Sk

"Not yet decided", Sk said he was not interested in discussing it with her

"In a month and a half time he had done so much, which we were struggling with for the past 7 years, I'm impressed!"

Sk only nodded.

Malathy rounded the names Of shruthi and Vimal "these two we can take them out of our List"


"They both have been here for just a year and Dr.Shruthi, she is an angel. Never even tries to take credit for what she has done. If she was to be a snitch then our Hospital name would have been long destroyed"

"What makes you say so?"

"Those surgeries sidharth took credit for, the emergency complex hip and knee surgery all that was done by her. while Sid is drunk and passed out" Malathy looked at Sk

"But I believe in Rishi there must be a reason, I'm not striking them off the list till he says so."

"Alright it was just my suggestion", Malathy moved to Mercina's name

"Ask Prashanth about her. His long term so called friend", Malathy mocked

"Prashanth has a long term girl friend? thats news", Sk gave a smirk

"Mercina & Ridhi are here with us for around 3 plus years, nurse Divya 4 years security gaurd Velu 7 + years R&D head shilpa around 7 years anyone can be the snitch" Malathy gave her suggestions

"When I heard the rumors of Rishi being attracted to Shruthi, I thought it was natural, didn't think he was doing ground work. kudos to him", Malathy got up to leave

"Why?" Sk was now curious

"You haven't met her? watch her you will know. Got to go."

After Malathy left Sk opened the file on Shruthi and he decided he needed to see her.


"Its 12pm already?" Varshini asked welcoming Rishi "please sit Let me wake her up"

"Maybe I will come later, let her sleep its a rare occurrence", Rishi was ready to step out

"So you know her well I see",the women smiled. She was taller than shruthi, fair skinned and lean her smile was infectious. "Let me go and wake her up coffee or tea? or how about lunch", she offered.

Rishi had missed home made food for a very long time he was hesitant "cof...", when he was about to start

"Lunch then", she said and went inside calling, "Shruthi wakeup", she shouted but there was no reply

Rishi was looking at the pictures that hung around. Shruthi had her dad's eyes and smile. The happiness of the big family slowly faded away with the garlanded photos of her grandparents and her Dad. Rishi felt sorry for her.

His thoughts were distracted by blaring loud song that he barely understood. All he heard was "AIYAA " and "Dreamum WakeupUm"... & then he heard Shruthi's voice

"Ma... off the fucking song.. Behave your age", she screamed

Rishi was smiling

"Ohh yeah! why whats wrong with the song?" Varshini shouted back

"This is a very bad song, not good for mental health", he heard Shruthi

"I love the song, I listen to it everyday when I make Lunch so deal with it go brush and...."

THE RICH DOCTOR VS THE WITCH DOCTORWhere stories live. Discover now