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Shruthi was tossing and turning in her bed. Rishi put his hands around her and pulled her towards him.

"Shhh", he said and she was sitting straight up.

"What is it honey? are the nightmares back?" he asked

She shook her head "It's Uru",she said

"What? Which is Uru?" he asked

"The woman who freed me from the kidnappers."

"That was my Mom, you said"

"The one who freed me out of my bondage and who directed me out that was Uru", Shruthi said "I'm certain"

"That just complicates everything now" Rishi was now wide awake

"No it doesn't it only gives us the clear cut view, Its just Sk",Shruthi said

"Sk and Malathy are the culprits and Uru is innocent?" Rishi asked

"Think Hun, Your mom had told you and me not to believe Your Dad and Mercina had heard your Dad mention me as the Priced Unicorn, recently all this adds up."

"No darling can't come to a conclusion. Prashanth has heard but My Dad and Uru mention the unicorn word so maybe, she had a change of mind not to kill you but otherwise i don't know", Rishi shrugged.

"You think she will order a hit on her son? I don't think that would be Uru" shruthi opined

"Nor will Sk", Rishi said "Then maybe.."

"MALATHY?" they both said together.

"Still It doesn't add up", Rishi said. "What are you doing?" Rishi asked Shruthi who was walking towards his laptop.

"I just want to see the footage of Merci's shooting"

This time they both watched it to find out the perpetrator.

Sk and Uru go out of the Car they seemed to be arguing. Then Sk was speaking to the reporters Prashanth whispered something to Uru and Uru Saw SK and nodded. It looked like Sk made some signs by rubbing his nose and 1 & 2 but it was not clear but after the shooting SK stood there he did not even duck for cover. He stood there looking straight at the place from where the shots were fired.

Rishi & Shruthi paused the video and looked at each other.


Sam was waiting at a location that Vishwanath had sent him. He had no idea who he was picking up. It was nearly 2am and he saw no sign of inhabitant in that deserted area.
Just because I'm single it doesn't mean that he sends me to such places Sam cursed.

Someone climbed onto the back seat of the car. "Drive", she said and Sam didn't wait for a second.


Vimal had left Ri, and Mercina with Varshini and drove to a safe place where Vishwanath had asked him to be. When he reached there Rishi, Prashanth and Lara were there. They looked as if waiting for someone.

"Where is Shruthi?" he asked. He was angry that she was alone some where else. Rishi pointed inside the room. He could now hear her arguing, and he relaxed.


"You knew that it was Uru?"

"No Hima! I didn't," her father tried explaining "All I heard was the voice. she gave instructions and I followed and you were safe."

"You just followed? Why? What was in it for you?"

"You are questioning me? You think I have a hand in this scandal?"

"I haven't decided yet Dad but I'm leaving no stones unturned"

"It was to save you and Neelima. I have the guilt deep down for having to publish in papers that you were dead so Neels will walk away from all this and she may live."

"Then why did you call Uru again when Neelima met me here?"

"Neelima's each and every move was tracked. She was being followed because she questioned Sk on EM forts formulations of a particular batch."

"She confronted dad?" Rishi couldn't just listen he needed to be a part of the conversation.

"We parents do our best to keep our children safe Rishi. Did your mom tell you about any of this?" Vishwa asked Rishi

"Very little, she only told me some side effects with the tablet", Rishi said

"See Hima thats what we parents do. though you are all grown up we can't knowingly push you on the path of trouble. What else do you want to know?" Vishwanath asked

"So you say that Uru acted as a guardian angel?" Shruthi asked

"She is equally ambitious as Sooraj but she just doesn't want blood on her hands. Killing is not her nature. Looks like Uru was fooled by them many times the same way she fooled them"

"Them?" Rishi asked

"Sk and Malathy the main culprits" Vishwanath said. He took out some files which had lots of financial details.

"Sk's assets and bank statements these are the White money and these are the black money from Swiss and Caymen island banks and these are Malathy's" Rishi and Shruthi was shocked to see Malathys holdings was as equal as Sk.

"How's that possible?" Rishi asked

"EM fort and the Ovum bank. Malathy does illegal sales of Ovum without the permission from the donar and she also extracts more than one ovum from people she treats who have no idea of what's going on. She also does unauthorized embryo sales to many Fertility centers."

"Why hasn't she been arrested yet? That bitch I could have exposed her if i had known this earlier", Shruthi swore

"We need evidence Hima now that we have everything and when Sam is now actually transporting evidence now. By the time he reaches here police and a judge will also be here so a warrant can be issued immediately."

"Any idea who ordered the hit on Prashanth?" Shruthi asked

"The devil is in the details darling", Rishi said pointing to Sk's financial statements. The benefactor was Rishi there was no mention about Prashanth. Some asset beneficiary name was changed from Prashanth to Rishi a year back.

"Why?" Shruthi asked

"Sk or Uru must answer this",Rishi told her.

The sound of a vehicles approaching made them go to the entrance. A police inspector, 2 lady inspectors, a judicial magistrate a lawyer had all arrived.


It was an hour wait there was no sign of Sam. Vishwanath was losing patience. He was pacing around.

Shruthi was worried she didn't like that her Dad had sent Sam alone.

The sound of an Auto made everyone run to the gate.

Uru was drenched in blood and Sam was holding Her. Prashanth lifted Uru and went inside. Sam and the others followed in.

First aid kits were not enough to patch up Uru. Vimal was sent to get medical supply.

"What happened?" Shru asked Sam

"SK happened", he said before collapsing on the floor.

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