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From starting his life as a medical representative and slowly ascending the ladder as an pharmacy owner then a small scale pharmaceutical company. Now he owns many companies in India and abroad. The name Sooraj Kumar was always spoken around the world when ever any new drug trail was to be conducted. The Miracle Multi Specialty Hospital was just one of his ventures.

Though there were Many allegations regarding Sk's Business ethics and tactics, The journalist never touched his personal life. Now his son's personal life was on an Online platform that was not even known outside the medical fraternity. Sk hated Prashanth's extravagant life style, but it was too late to correct him. Prashanth seem to have got all his negatives from his Dad but at an elevated level.

It was now upto SK to secure the hospital name. So he had to seek the help of Rishi. Sk didn't even dream that Rishi would agree to help him.

Sooraj kumar was 60years old but his physic was of a 40 year old and his mind was always running at the speed of a teenager so he always knew a solution to any problem thrown his way. In next few minutes he would be in the hospital. He was excited to settle down in his hometown for sometime.


Prashanth & Rishi watched as Sk interacted with the injured and also with the family of the dead. People who even threatened to kill Prashanth were now sharing their sorrow with His Dad. Some even cried. SK was consoling them as if he waa part of the family.

"How does he do that?" said Prashanth "This man he amazes me everytime".

"That is the reason he is a successful business man, A dab of empathy and a pinch of sympathy is enough for a grieving soul to cling on to you. Ego doesn't work in such situations you see," Rishi pointed out.

"So you say i'm egotistical and that's why people hate me or thats the reason I'm not a good businessman?", Prashanth asked Rishi in a low but stern voice.

"You need to decide who want to be. A doctor, or a businessman like him?You can't be both", Rishi said with a smile

"What are you both Handsome young doctors discussing?" Sooraj asked

"Just some clinical observations", Prashanth answered sarcastically

"Anyone else I'm to meet?" he asked walking briskly ahead of them

"You have met everyone dad. just let me know how much to compensate them I will write a check," Prashanth said trying to catchup

SK stopped abruptly "At work place I'm always The Managing director of the Miracle groups so address me as Sir",

"Yes Sir", Prashanth answered

"Take the call Dr.Rishi, it may be important, we have a long meeting ahead of us", SK noticed rishi cutting his incoming calls

"I have texted, will call back later", saying Rishi switched off his phone


"So even today she visited me while I was asleep?" Vimala asked Ri

"Yeah!", Ri lied with a smile

"Has anyone told you before that, you have an eyes that tells the truth, even though your lips lie?"

"Yeah..." Ri said sadly

"I'm not a teenager Ridhi, I can understand situations you see," Vimal smiled sadly

"Im sorry", Ri found herself choking

"Hey it's ok its my fault, I must have read the signs clearly. No one will want a cripple".

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